
Application to create, update and delete personal notes with a priority.

Primary LanguageKotlin

kotlin Android API

Notes App

⭐ Features

  • Create notes
  • Update notes
  • Delete individual notes or all
  • Search a particular note searching by title or description
  • Sort notes by priority

🏃 For run the app just clone the repository and execute the app on Android Studio.

Requirements to install the app

  • Use phones with Android Api 26+
This application was developed using Kotlin and uses the following components:
  • Coroutines
  • Clean architecture (Domain, Data, UI)
  • MVVM
  • Repository pattern
  • StateFlow
  • Material Design 3
  • Data store
  • Navigation component
  • Dagger Hilt (Dependency injection)
  • Room database
  • Flow

Screenshots Light theme

Home Empty Home Add Update
Home empty Home Add Update

Screenshots Dark Mode

Home Empty Home Add Update
Home empty dark Home dark Add dark Update dark

🎯 Architecture

The application is built using Clean Architeture pattern based on Architecture Components on Android. The application is divided into three layers:

Clean Arquitecture

  • Domain: This layer contains the business logic of the application, here we define the data models and the use cases.
  • Data: This layer contains the data layer of the application. It contains the database, network and the repository implementation.
  • UI: This layer contains the presentation layer of the application like fragment, activity, viewmodel etc.


