
Control itunes from the command line, over **40** commands inculding play/pause, mute/unmute, playlist and play random album. Also inculdes also scripts for getting data from itunes.

Primary LanguageShell

Shell Tunes {#readmeTitle}

Control itunes from the command line, over 40 commands inculding play/pause, mute/unmute, playlist and play random album. Also inculdes also scripts for getting data from itunes. {#description}


Usage: itunes.sh <option>


  • Mac OS X (tested on 10.6)


  • Put the scripts in your $PATH
  • See below for bash completion.


Usage: itunes.sh <option>
Options: (short)
 (s) status          : Shows iTunes' status, and track info
 (y) play            : Start playing.
 (a) pause           : Pause iTunes.
 (p) playpause       : Start playing / Pauses.

 (n) next            : Go to the next track.
 (b) prev            : Go to the previous track.
 (r) rewind          : Rewinds the current track.

 (m)                 : Toggles Mute iTunes' volume.
     mute            : Mute iTunes' volume.
     unmute          : Unmute iTunes' volume.
 (v) vol up          : Increase iTunes' volume by 10%
 (v) vol down        : Increase iTunes' volume by 10%
 (v) vol #           : Set iTunes' volume to # [0-100]

 (@) search        {string} : Search for songs in each field (results playlist must exist)
 (@) search [type] {string} : Search for songs by type
                            : Types are album, artist, composer 
                            : comment, genre, grouping, name and year 
 ($)               {string} : Serching for songs using name, album and comment as fields

 (l) playlist        : List all the playlists
 (l) playlist {name} : Plays the specified playlist 
 (c) current         : List the songs of the current playlist

 (d) random          : Plays a random album
 (f) shuffle         : Toggles shuffle
 (f) shuffle on      : Turns shuffle on
 (f) shuffle off     : Turns shuffle off

 (e) repeat all      : Set repeat to all
 (e) repeat one      : Set repeat to on
 (e) repeat off      : Set repeat to off

     [0-5]          : Set the current song rating
 (6) 4.5            : Set the current song rating to 4½ stars

 (t) stop           : Stop iTunes.
 (q) quit           : Quit iTunes.

Bash Completion

  • Add this to your .bash_profile or .bashrc

      function i(){
      	itunes.sh "$@"
      function _ilist(){
      	itunes.sh commands
      function _icomp(){
      	local curw
      	COMPREPLY=($(compgen -W '`_ilist`' -- $curw))
      	return 0
      #  Completion for itunes.sh
      shopt -s progcomp
      complete -F _icomp i



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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License


  • Bilal Hussain