

Primary LanguagePython


中文说明 || English
Translated by @BiliBiliSmallball


PyToExe is software based on Python.
It can help you package python files into executable programs.
And it provides a interface that you can just click to package python files.
It calls pyinstaller and nuitka to help packaging your files.
Now the lauguage of the software is Chinese 'cause the maker is from China.(So this file may have a lot of grammar mistakes.)
Now you still cannot change the display lauguage 'cuase I'v not set a lauguage file.
Just Wait.


The interface of the software is based on Python module tkinter.
To package python files into executable programs, it calls pyinstaller or nuitka.

Code Explanation

Modules Needed

Here is all the modules this program need and their purposes:

modules purposes
tkinter interface based
tkinter.messagebox message popup
tkinter.ttk interface based
os system orders called
time animation needed
threading more threads builded
random random number made

self_builede Modules

Here is all the self-builded modules and their purposes:

modules purposes
constant constant saved
option interface builded
function packaging

How To Run the Program

To run this program,you need to run file main.py

File main.py

In file main.py,we use these codes to build the interface and functions:

if __name__ == "__main__":
  window = Window()  # build root window
  desktop = Desktop(master=window)  # build interface

  window.mainloop()  # display the root window

Variable window is the earth for all the things work on.

File constant.py

In file constant.py,I write some variables into it.
Like this:

  "pip install pyinstaller",
  "pip install nuitka"

These strings are to install pyinstaller and nuitka for packaging.

File function.py

In file function.py,we build a function:

make_file(file_from_path, file_output_path="", file_icon_path="", tool="pyinstaller", module="Basic", if_python=False, one_file=(False, True), if_cmd=(False, False))

to build executable programs.
We just convert parameters into codes and rutuen final result test
Like this:

text = ""
if tool == COMBOBOX_TEXT[1][1]:  # pyinstaller called
  text += COMBOBOX_TEXT[1][1]  # write "pyinstaller" at the front
  if one_file[1]:  # one_file setted
    text += " %s" % PYINSTALLER_TEXTS[1]  # write "-w" behind "pyinstaller"

File option.py

In file option.py,we build the interface of the program.The place with the most codes is just here.

Here is all the class and their purposes in the file:

class purposes
Window(tk.Tk) root window builded
Desktop(tk.Frame) main interface builded
ToplevelAbout(tk.Toplevel) build About window
ToplevelInfo(tk.Toplevel) build help window


In this class, there is a function called set(self) that can set the root window.

Here are the explanations of the codes:

self.screenwidth = self.winfo_screenwidth()
self.screenheight = self.winfo_screenheight()
self.x = (self.screenwidth - WINDOW_WIDTH) / 2
self.y = (self.screenheight - WINDOW_HEIGHT) / 2
self.size = "%dx%d+%d+%d" % (WINDOW_WIDTH, WINDOW_HEIGHT, self.x, self.y)

Get the width and the height of the screen:

self.screenwidth = self.winfo_screenwidth()

self.screenheight = self.winfo_screenheight()

Get the x coordinate and y coordinate:

self.x = (self.screenwidth - WINDOW_WIDTH) / 2

self.y = (self.screenheight - WINDOW_HEIGHT) / 2


In this class, also the-most-code-written place, we build the main interface.

Here is all the functions that are called in __init__(self, master) ,the functions these functions called in this class, the variable globalized in there functions and the variable there functions needed:

function function called variable globalized variable needed
set_place() / / /
set_combobox() self.change_checkbutton_frame(tool) / self.combobox1_var
checkbutton() / frame1
change_checkbutton_frame(tool) / / /
sidebar() self.make_toplevel_about()
button_3 /
entry_file self.choose_file_from()
/ self.file_from_path_var
console_order_entry() / / self.console_order_var
install() / / /
info() self.change_info_label() / /

There are a bit too much.It doesn't matter.Just let me introduce some of them.


I think you know how to make interface by tkinter, so I won't introduce the functions of building tkinter interface.(The true reason is that I'm a bit lazy.)

Now I only introduce the Function info().Look at the codes first:

thread_change = Thread(target=self.change_info_label, args=())


These codes are to build a now thread to make the main program not getting caton.

We know this function called a new function called self.change_info_label().
Then let we just check out this function.

n = 0
while True:
  n_ = random.randint(0, len(INFO_LABEL_TEXTS)-1)
  if n_ == n:
    n = n_

Look at the codes above.
We first make a temporary variable called n.
Then, we build a while circulate.
In this circulate, we first make a random number as the index of the list.
If the random number _n__ is as same as _n_, we just "while" again.
Then we use the index to choose the element in the list and take it as the element of the variable self.entry_var.
Then, we use the module time and its function sleep() to pause the thread for 10 seconds.
Then, the next "while" again.
It is not difficult if you now a little of python grammar.

ToplevelAbout(tk.Toplevel) and ToplevelInfo(tk.Toplevel)

As you know, they are seem to be same.So I just choose one of them for the introduction.

Building window is like the steps in class Window(tk.Tk)
building label to show the about information is a bit easy.

Something we need to know is that we can change the value of the element justify in the class tk.Label().
Like this:

text = tk.Label(self, text=ABOUT_TEXT, justify="left")

text.place(x=0, y=0, width=TOPLEVEL_WIDTH * 3)

Here are the differences of justify and anchor:

element value purpose
justify left
For lines
anchor e
for one line

Here are the means of the possible values of the element anchor:

value mean
e East
w West
n north
s south
ne northeast
se southeast
nw northwest
sw southwest
center center


Codes Downloaded

  1. Github:
  2. Codes on Github(the lastest)
  3. Lanzouy:
  4. PyToExe Build 230804 v1.0.0
  5. PyToExe Build 230813 v1.1.0

Executable Porgrams Downloaded

  1. Lanzouy:
  2. PyToExe Build 230804 v1.0.0
  3. PyToExe Build 230813 v1.1.0

PyToExe Official Website

PyToExe Official Website

Bug Feedback

Send email to lonely-pea@qq.com to give bug feedback or your suggestions. If you don't get something well, you can also ask me by sending email to this mainbox.

Software Screenshot

Here are the screenshots of this software(version: Build 230813 v1.1.0):




Thank Lonely-Pea for programming.
Thank Everybody who give supports for this program.
Could you star it if you think it is a excellent program?