
Bash script to easily deploy applications with AWS Code Deploy. Designed to be used with CI systems such as TravisCI, CircleCI, and CodeShip and provide functionality that is not included in the out-of-box solutions from these vendors.

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AWS Code Deploy Executer

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This script deploys applications with the AWS Code Deploy service. The script uses the AWS CLI for underlying commands and extends functionality to provide common requirements for applications being deployed including compression, encryption, bucket revision limiting, monitoring, and more. It also handles creation of defined AWS Code Deploy components as necessary (e.g. Deployment Groups). By utilizing environment variables, this script is easily portable and intended to run inside CI containers. For more information, refer to the AWS Code Deploy documentation or the AWS CLI API.


  • One dependency: AWS CLI (Automatically installed if not available)
  • Automatically compress source directory
  • Ability to limit the number of stored revisions by a key prefix to help reduce S3 total file size
  • Server side encryption for revisions
  • Full diagnostic output from failed instances

Sample Output

Step 1: Checking Dependencies
✔ Dependencies met (aws: aws-cli/1.8.12 Python/2.7.6 Linux/3.14.28-031428-generic).

Step 2: Configuring AWS
✔ AWS Access Key already configured.
✔ AWS Secret Access Key already configured.
✔ Successfully configured AWS default region.

Step 3: Checking Application
➜ aws deploy get-application --application-name TechPivot
✔ Application "TechPivot" already exists

Step 4: Checking Deployment Config
➜ aws deploy get-deployment-config --deployment-config-name CodeDeployDefault.AllAtOnce
✔ Deployment config "CodeDeployDefault.AllAtOnce" already exists

Step 5: Checking Deployment Group
➜ aws deploy get-deployment-group --application-name TechPivot --deployment-group-name www.techpivot.net
✔ Deployment group "www.techpivot.net" already exists for application "TechPivot"

Step 6: Compressing Source Contents
➜ cd "/home/ubuntu/deploy" && zip -rq "/tmp/729#a4d2fa4.zip" .
✔ Successfully compressed "/home/ubuntu/deploy" (57M) into "729#a4d2fa4.zip" (18M)

Step 7: Copying Bundle to S3
➜ aws s3 cp --sse "/tmp/729#a4d2fa4.zip" "s3://techpivot-codedeploy/www/729#a4d2fa4.zip"
✔ Successfully copied bundle "729#a4d2fa4.zip" to S3

Step 8: Limiting Deploy Revisions per Bucket/Key

Checking bucket/key to limit total revisions at 10 files ...
➜ aws s3 ls "s3://techpivot-codedeploy/www/"

Removing oldest 1 file(s) ...
➜ aws s3 rm "s3://techpivot-codedeploy/www/713#1ef9317.zip"
✔ Successfuly removed 1 file(s)

Step 9: Registering Revision
➜ aws deploy register-application-revision --application-name "TechPivot" --s3-location bucket=techpivot-codedeploy,bundleType=zip,key=www/729#a4d2fa4.zip --description "master (#a4d2fa4)"
✔ Registering revision succeeded

Step 10: Creating Deployment
➜ aws deploy create-deployment --application-name TechPivot --deployment-config-name CodeDeployDefault.AllAtOnce --deployment-group-name www.techpivot.net --s3-location bucket=techpivot-codedeploy,bundleType=zip,key=www/729#a4d2fa4.zip --description "Deployed via CircleCI on Sun Nov  8 23:32:30 UTC 2015"
✔ Successfully created deployment: "d-CDR1HA75C"

Note: You can follow your deployment at: https://console.aws.amazon.com/codedeploy/home#/deployments/d-CDR1HA75C

Deployment Overview

Monitoring deployment "d-CDR1HA75C" for "TechPivot" on deployment group www.techpivot.net ...
➜ aws deploy get-deployment --deployment-id "d-CDR1HA75C"

Status  | In Progress: 0  | Pending: 0  | Skipped: 0  | Succeeded: 1  | Failed: 0  |
✔ Deployment of application "TechPivot" on deployment group "www.techpivot.net" succeeded


Composer (PHP Projects)

  1. Include the techpivot/aws-code-deploy project from Packagist as a development dependency:


    "require-dev" : {
        "techpivot/aws-code-deploy": "~1.0"

    or via command line:

    composer require --dev techpivot/aws-code-deploy ~1.0
  2. The file can then be executed directly: ./vendor/bin/aws-code-deploy.sh

NPM (General Projects)

Include the aws-code-deploy from NPM as a local or global dependency.


  1. npm install aws-code-deploy -g
  2. The file can then be executed globally: aws-code-deploy


  1. npm install aws-code-deploy --save-dev
  2. The file can then be executed directly: ./node_modules/aws-code-deploy/bin/aws-code-deploy.sh

Environment Variables

Environment variables are used to control the deployment actions. A brief summary is listed in the table below. Full descriptions with recommendations can be found by searching the readme for the variable name.

Variable Required Description
AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_KEY No If specified, sets the AWS key id
AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_SECRET No If specified, sets the AWS secret key
AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_REGION No If specified, sets the AWS region
AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_APPLICATION_NAME Yes Application name. If it does not exist, will create.
AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_DEPLOYMENT_GROUP_NAME Yes Deployment group name. If it does not exist, will create.
AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_DEPLOYMENT_CONFIG_NAME No Deployment config name. By default: CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime
AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_MINIMUM_HEALTHY_HOSTS No The minimum number of healthy instances during deployment. By default: type=FLEET_PERCENT,value=75
AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_SERVICE_ROLE_ARN No Service role arn giving permissions to use Code Deploy when creating a deployment group
AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_EC2_TAG_FILTERS No EC2 tags to filter on when creating a deployment group
AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_AUTO_SCALING_GROUPS No Auto Scaling groups when creating a deployment group
AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_APP_SOURCE Yes The source directory used to create the deploy archive or a pre-bundled tar, tgz, or zip
AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_S3_BUCKET Yes The name of the S3 bucket to deploy the revision
AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_S3_KEY_PREFIX No A prefix to use for the revision bucket key
AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_S3_FILENAME Yes The destination name within S3.
AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_S3_LIMIT_BUCKET_FILES No Number of revisions to limit. If 0, unlimited. Default = 0
AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_S3_SSE No If specified and true will ensure the CodeDeploy archive is stored in S3 with Server Side Encryption (SSE)
AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_REVISION_DESCRIPTION No A description that is stored within AWS Code Deploy that stores information about the specific revision
AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_DEPLOYMENT_DESCRIPTION No A description that is stored within AWS Code Deploy that stores information about the specific deployment
AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_OUTPUT_STATUS_LIVE No Boolean true|false that specifies whether the deployment status should use a single line showing live status. In CI environments where the \r is not supported, set this to false for better logging. Default = true





    # We are defining the $AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_KEY and $AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_SECRET in the CircleCI Project Settings >
    # AWS Permissions which automatically configure these for use via aws cli and are automatically read
    # via aws-code-deploy.sh. Alternatively, these could be specified securely (not via project code) using 
    # the CircleCI Environment Variables CircleCI control panel.
    AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_SERVICE_ROLE_ARN: "arn:aws:iam::XXXXXXXXXXXXX:role/my-company-codedeploy"
    AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_S3_BUCKET: my-company-codedeploy-us-west-2
    AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_DEPLOYMENT_DESCRIPTION: "Deployed via CircleCI on $(date)"

# ...

    branch: master
      - bash vendor/bin/aws-code-deploy.sh

IAM Requirements

In order for the script to execute successfully, the specified AWS credentials must be granted the required IAM privileges for the corresponding actions. Since various steps of this script are optional it allows for flexibility in creating policies that apply the principle of least privilege. Two common examples are described below. In general, the script needs access to the following (depending on parameters):

  1. Code Deploy - Verifying Application, Creating Application, Creating Revisions
  2. Code Deploy Deployment - Creating Deployment, Creating Deployment Group, Listing Instances
  3. S3 - Uploading bundle to S3, Deleting Old Revisions

Wildcard Access

This may be best for first time users with

Explicit Access with Full Functionality

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": [

Detailed Workflow & Variable Information

Step 1: Checking Dependencies

The following executables are installed:

  • python-pip
  • aws

This step ensures that configuration parameters for AWS CLI are properly set.

Environment Variables:

  • AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_KEY (optional): AWS Access Key ID. If not already configured in aws cli, this is required.
  • AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_SECRET (optional): AWS Secret Access Key. If not already configured in aws cli, this is required.
  • AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_REGION (optional): Default region name

This step ensures the application exists within Code Deploy. If it does not exist, it will attempt to create the application with the specified name.

Environment Variables:

  • AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_APPLICATION_NAME (required): Name of the application to deploy

Step 4: Deployment Config (optional)

This step ensures the specified deployment configuration exists for the application. Defining a custom configuration is optional because you can use the deployment strategy already defined in Code Deploy.

Environment Variables:

  • AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_DEPLOYMENT_CONFIG_NAME (optional): Deployment config name. By default: CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime. Built-in options:
    • CodeDeployDefault.OneAtATime
    • CodeDeployDefault.AllAtOnce
    • CodeDeployDefault.HalfAtATime
  • AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_MINIMUM_HEALTHY_HOSTS (optional): The minimum number of healthy instances during deployment. By default: type=FLEET_PERCENT,value=75

This step ensures the deployment group exists within the specified application. If it does not exist, the script will attempt to create the group using the name and defined service role ARN.

Environment Variables:

  • AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_DEPLOYMENT_GROUP_NAME (required): Deployment group name

  • AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_SERVICE_ROLE_ARN (optional): Service role arn giving permissions to use Code Deploy when creating a deployment group

  • AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_EC2_TAG_FILTERS (optional): EC2 tags to filter on when creating a deployment group. Specify as a string with the following comma separated keys:

    • Key string
    • Value string
    • Type string - Either: KEY_ONLY or VALUE_ONLY or KEY_AND_VALUE

    For example: AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_EC2_TAG_FILTERS="Key=Type,Value=www,Type=KEY_AND_VALUE"

  • AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_AUTO_SCALING_GROUPS (optional): Auto Scaling groups when creating a deployment group

Required IAM Access:


Step 6: Compressing Source

This step compresses the specified source directory as a zip file in preparation for uploading to S3. This is useful for application deployments that use unique file names per revision. This helps limit the transfer to and from S3 during deployment.

Environment Variables:

  • AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_APP_SOURCE (required): Specifies the root source contents of the application. The appspec.yml should exist within this directory. If not specified, the script will use the current working directory.
  • AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_S3_FILENAME (required): The destination name within S3. Note that this should not include any prefix keys as these are defined elsewhere. A recommended good practice would be to use a combination of the CI build number with the git short revision. (e.g. "100#c3a5fea.zip")

This step consists to push the application to S3.

Environment Variables:

  • AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_S3_BUCKET (required): The name of the S3 bucket to deploy the revision

  • AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_S3_KEY_PREFIX (optional): A prefix to use for the file key. It's highly recommended to structure a bucket with a prefix per deployment group. This allows to limit stored revisions per deployment group. Note: A leading or trailing slash is not required.

    For example:

    # The resulting stored file would exist at s3://my-bucket-test/production-www/100#c3a5fea.zip

Step 8: Limiting Deploy Revisions per Bucket/Key

This step ensures that applications with high revision/commit volume with unique filenames can remove old revisions to help limit the size of the container. Large teams can quickly fill S3 with multiple TBs/day depending on the projects. Since deployments typically don't need to store that many versions backwards, this step will ensure that only N revisions exist, removing oldest revisions upon deploy.

Note: If a limit is specified, the IAM permissions described below will need to be granted for the specific s3://bucket/(key).

Environment Variables:

  • AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_S3_LIMIT_BUCKET_FILES (optional): Number of revisions to limit. If 0, unlimited. By default: 0

Required IAM Access:

  • Wildcard: s3:DeleteObject, s3:GetObject
  • Bucket Policy: s3:ListBucket, s3:ListObjects

This step registers a code deploy revision for the uploaded file to the specified application/deployment group.

Environment Variables:

  • AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_REVISION_DESCRIPTION (optional): A description that is stored within AWS Code Deploy that stores information about the specific revision. Typically, the revision details would store information specific to the commit/CI/build details.

This step deploys the application revision using the defined deployment settings across all hosts that match the deployment group.

Environment Variables:

  • AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_DEPLOYMENT_DESCRIPTION (optional): A description that is stored within AWS Code Deploy that stores information about the specific revision.

Monitor Deployment

This step monitors the deployment and logs information about the overall status as well as any failed instance statuses.

Environment Variables:

  • AWS_CODE_DEPLOY_DEPLOYMENT_OVERVIEW (optional): Boolean that specifies whether to log detailed information about the status of the deployment. By Default: true