
This is an exercise about JUnit. Cart-AdditionalUnitTestTopics folder contains a maven project. This project contains a class extending a previous calculator (using decorator pattern) to include credits and specials discounts for different types of users. The goal is to use more JUnit annotations like @BeforeAll, @BeforeAll, @RepeatedTest(n), @ParameterizedTest, @MethodSource

Primary LanguageJava

Cart-AdditionalUnitTestTopics: JUnit annotations

Exercise: Additional Unit Test Topics

This is an exercise about JUnit. Cart-AdditionalUnitTestTopics folder contains a maven project. This project contains a class extending a previous calculator (using decorator pattern) to include credits and specials discounts for different types of users. The goal is to use more JUnit annotations like @BeforeAll, @BeforeAll, @RepeatedTest(n), @ParameterizedTest, @MethodSource

Test TotalsWithDiscountCalculator

There is some code on the TotalsWithDiscountCalculatorTest. Here is what we did:

  1. The method getTotalsWithDiscounts_regularAndPlatinumUser_returnsDifferentSubtotal receives an User as parameter, we added the required annotations to get different types of users, and a different expected result. Tip: The method differentUserTypesAndExpectedTotals provide those.

  2. getTotalsWithDiscounts_userWithCredit_chargedMultipleTimes test that a user can be charged multiple times.

    1. We added the required annotation to initialize the globalUser in the setupGlobalUser method.
    2. The same user can be used by different calculators, we added the required annotation to initialize them in setupCalculator method.
    3. We made the getTotalsWithDiscounts_userWithCredit_chargedMultipleTimes method repeat three times.