
clock on arduino mega (based on 7 segments indicator) with esp8266 time synchronization with a time server (wifi, udp to port 123)

Primary LanguageC++


clock on arduino mega (based on 7 segments indicator) with esp8266 time synchronization from a time server (wifi, udp to port 123)

used libraries

Used ESP8266 library (integrated to this project with little modification). Library created by Stan Lee(Lizq@iteadstudio.com) 2014/10/8

used hardware

Used and tested on MEGA Arduino board (MEGA2560 Mega 2560 R3 REV3 ATmega2560-16AU CH340G) bought on Ali for 666 rubels (10 bucks). It has chinese replacement of USB-UART chip.

Project theoretically can be modified into UNO board by changing define MEGA to UNO, and manually remap some pins, but UNO board has too small quantity of IO pins, and so it's not recommended.

WiFi module is small ESP8266 with basic default firmware for AT-commands.

7-segments indicators is LED-based for 5 volts levels with common cathode.

hardware connections

ESP8266 connected to MEGA's RX1 TX1 UART port, powered by MEGA's 5V, EPS's reset pin connected to MEGA's A0 port.

ESP8266's CH_PD pin shorted to ESP8266's VCC.

7-segments indicators connected to MEGA's GPIO ports which are presented in array pin2segs.

indexes of array pin2segs GPIO port pin of 7-segments indicator
0 53 A of first indicator
1 52 B of first indicator
2 51 C of first indicator
3 50 D of first indicator
4 49 E of first indicator
5 48 F of first indicator
6 47 G of first indicator
7 46 A of second\next#2 indicator
8 45 B of second\next#2 indicator
9 44 C of second\next#2 indicator
10 43 D of second\next#2 indicator
11 42 E of second\next#2 indicator
12 41 F of second\next#2 indicator
13 40 G of second\next#2 indicator
14 39 dot or colon
15 38 A of third\3th#3 indicator
16 37 B of third\3th#3 indicator
17 36 C of third\3th#3 indicator
18 35 D of third\3th#3 indicator
19 34 E of third\3th#3 indicator
20 33 F of third\3th#3 indicator
21 32 G of third\3th#3 indicator
22 31 A of fourth\4th#4 indicator
23 30 B of fourth\4th#4 indicator
24 29 C of fourth\4th#4 indicator
25 28 D of fourth\4th#4 indicator
26 27 E of fourth\4th#4 indicator
27 26 F of fourth\4th#4 indicator
28 24 G of fourth\4th#4 indicator

setup and customizing

Time zone is hardcoded into source-string:

long tmHour = txTm_s_32 % 24 + 3; // 3 is msk

Wi-Fi AP name and password is hardcoded into defines SSID & PASSWORD.

Time-Server IP address and port for UPD connection is hardcoded into source-string:

wifi.ipConfig(UDP, "", 123);

It was Time-server in home internet router "mikrotik". It was necessary to install an additional package for this router to activate home time-server. Non-home external time-servers is also fits and works well at first sight.