
The docker-snap-volume tool allows you to create and restore snapshot volumes in Docker. When a snapshot is created, a .tar file is generated, which can be restored to the volume as needed.


While developing a script to patch a large database, the need arose to quickly restore the database to its current state. The traditional method of importing a dump took over 7 hours. Thus, a Docker snapshot tool was developed to simplify and expedite this process.


To download the script and set it up on your system, follow the steps below:

Download the script:

sudo curl -SL -o /usr/local/bin/docker-snap-volume

Change permissions:

sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-snap-volume

How to Use

Create a Snapshot

To create a snapshot of a volume, use the command below:

docker-snap-volume -n volume-name -f /absolute/path/to/volume-snapshot.tar --create

-n: The name of the Docker volume to be snapshotted.

-f: The absolute path to the .tar file where the snapshot will be saved.

Restore a Snapshot

To restore a volume from a snapshot, use the following command:

docker-snap-volume -n volume-name -f /absolute/path/to/volume-snapshot.tar --restore

-n: The name of the Docker volume to be restored.

-f: The absolute path to the .tar file of the snapshot to be restored.

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