A Python version using pocketsphix.
Work in progress(planned for release in 2096)...
- 2019-07-10-raspbian-buster-lite is used as OS Linux distribution. I assume it should work on any newer(and previous as well) versions, but haven't tested it.
- ALSA is used for sound subsystem.
- Pocketsphinx is the core of the speech recognition. Sphinxbase must be installed for pocketsphinx to work. I compiled both from the sources.
- CMU Flite and eSpeak are used for Text to Speech purposes(Flite for English and eSpeak for Russian).
- To control the backlight NeoPixel library must be installed(with all its dependencies).
- Music Player Daemon (MPD) is the underlying music player(only to play the music, Bender's answers are playing with aplay utility from the ALSA package).