Plant Forager


This project was completed for the Turing School of Software and Design and is my Module 3 Final Project. We were given some freedom to use an API of our choosing to create an App using React, Router, and Asynchrounous JavaScript. I settle on as the API of choice, to make an App that is a "Field Guide" to those looking for edible plants. There were many challenges to this project. The API was tricky because it required Cross-Origin-Resource-Sharing('CORS') as well as other quirks such as sending plants that were desperately lacking in information, as well as pagination. I chose to implement Redux as well in this project because I wanted to get a better grasp on mocking fetch calls and redux integration testing. This proved to be extremely difficult, and there are many things I wish I knew earlier, like not implementing node-fetch like it called for in the documentation for the API. Overall I'm very happy with how it turned out, there was another feature I wanted to implement, where a user could see which plants had edible leaves, roots, flower, etc, but trying to mock the thunks took priority. I look forward to expanding on this project in the future.



Technologies Used

  • React
  • Redux
  • Redux Thunk
  • CSS
  • Git
  • JavaScript
  • React Testing Library
  • React Router
  • Jest
  • Eslint Api


  1. Go to this repository and follow the directions in the :

  2. Clone down this repo

  3. Get into the repo by runningcd PlantForager in your terminal

  4. Then install the library dependencies. Run in your terminal:

npm install
  1. Run npm start in your terminal.

  2. Go to http://localhost:3000/ in your browser and you should see the page!

  3. When ready to quit hit ctrl + c in your terminal to stop the server.






Plant Page
