
backend services du Projet 2CS

MIT LicenseMIT

Services of Projet 2CS

this Repo should contain services, each in its own folder.


you should have docker and docker-compose installed in your machine to be able to run all services together.

Creating a service

to create a new service, do the following:

  • copy template folder and paste with a new name for your service.
  • add this to the global docker-compose.yml file:
          context: ./<name-of-service>
          target: development
          - ./<name-of-service>:/src
          - /src/node_modules
      command: npm run start:dev
          - "<unused-port>:8000"
          NODE_ENV: development
          DEBUG: src:*

now we're done with creating the service, let's go to the usage and development section.


Running all services in development mode

  • in the outer folder:
    • run docker-compose build to build all services together using docker compose.
    • run docker-compose up to run all services at the same time in development mode.

Running only some services

in order to do that you have to start every service manually so :

  • enter to the folder of the service you want to run
  • execute docker build -t <service-name> .
  • execute docker run -p <port>:8000 -it <service-name>

and we're done!

PS: this method does not support auto reload for now. :( try searching for that yourself..

Happy Coding !