
a baseline application for my django apps

Primary LanguagePython

Baseline Template for Django Project

For use with other applications.

To build:

to build the local docker container goes in a couple of steps as the first container takes a long time to install.

  • docker build -t dsvm:latest . to build the image (it takes a long time)
    • has ubuntu, vim, anaconda (activated)
    • about 5.02GB, so might not be the best system for embedded IoT systems.
    • docker build -t {name}:{tag} . change up the name and tag to manage different versions.
    • once it is going you can shell into it with docker run --rm -it dsvm:latest bin/bash Then you can install your local version.
  • docker build -f azure/dockerfile -t dsvm:azure .

To Operate:

  • First you will need to rename the file TEMPLATE_settings.py to settings.py
docker-compose up