
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Coverage Status Build Status

SMS Manager


SMS Manager is an application built using Node, Express and MongoDB that enables users send and receive SMS

Table of Content

Features in the application

  • User can send SMS
  • User can receive SMS
  • Deleting a user deletes all reference to messages they sent or received

Technology Stack used

  • NodeJS
  • ExpressJS
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose

Getting Started

  • Before cloning the repo, make sure you have Node installed on your local machine
  • Clone the repo to your local machine
> $ git clone https://github.com/billmike/smsmanager.git
  • Change directory into the more-recipes directory
> $ cd smsmanager
  • Install all required dependencies by running
> $ npm install
  • Once installation is done, create a .env file and fill it with the neccessary environment variables (see .env.example for the neccessary environment variables required)

  • Create a database to be used with the application

  • To start the application, run

> $ npm start

API docs

  • POST localhost:8080/contact/create

    • To create a user, hit this endpoint via postman and supply the firstName, lastName, and phoneNumber properties to the request body
  • DELETE localhost:8080/contact/:userId

    • To delete a user from the application, supply the userId of the user as a params to the route.

    NOTE: Deleting a user removes all messages they've sent or received in the application

  • POST localhost:8080/message/send-msg

    • To send a message, hit this endpoint via postman and supply the message, senderContact and receiverContact as properties to the request body
  • GET localhost:8080/message/sent-sms/:userId

    • Enter the url above to get the messages sent by a particular user in the application. Provide the userId as a params to the URL
  • GET localhost:8080/message/receive/:userId

    • Enter the url above to get the messages received by a particular user in the application. Provide the userId as a params to the URL