A 2D fighter based on Kid Goku from Dragon Ball. Functional for the M.U.G.E.N. engine oriented to 2D fighting videogames.
Luis Ángel Sánchez Aguilar (Bills Dios) -> Goku code, Ohzaru code, moveset, design, implementation, edit sprites, edit fx
ShadeDBZ -> Goku sprites extraction
Mikel8888 -> Ohzaru sprites, Ohzaru code
Glukom -> Krillin sprites extraction
Shinrashi -> FX sprites
[common1.cns]: This file is the programming code for the character's basic movements such as standing, crouching, walking, running, jumping and falling.
[Especiales.cns]: This file is the programming code for the character's special powers in the base state and Ohzaru Mode of the anime.
[IA.cns]: This file is the programming code for the character's A.I. (Artificial Intelligence).
[Kid_Goku.def]: This file is the definition file and calls the rest of the character files, such as code, sprites, sounds, palettes, commands and others.
[Kid_Goku.act]: This file stores the color palette of the character.
[Kid_Goku.air]: This file stores all the animations of the character.
[Kid_Goku.cmd]: This file contains the logic and the calling of certain programming blocks by means of commands, such as keyboard or joystick.
[Kid_Goku.cns]: This file is the programming code for the character's attacks and combos in the base state of the anime.
[Kid_Goku.sff]: This file stores all the sprites of the character.
[Kid_Goku.snd]: This file stores all the sounds of the character.
[Supers.cns]: This file is the programming code for the character's super powers in the base state and Ohzaru Mode of the anime.
If you wish to hire me, please contact me at the following e-mail address: luislasabills@gmail.com