This challenge was completed YearOne. The challenge was to build a small web application that allows a user to search for a movie title, click on that movie title for more information, and give that movie a thumbs up or thumbs down. The challenge instructions allowed me to use and API of my choice for the search and displaying the movies information. For giving a rating of the selected movie, I had to make an API to save implement some type of storage or database to persist movie titles and how many thumbs up or thumbs down they’ve received.
- React
- JavaScript
- React and Jest testing libraries
- React Router
- Git
- Travis-CI
- Postgres
- Node.js
- Express.js
If you do not have Postgres installed, go to their site and follow the docs:
Go to the Back-End repo here: and clone it.
Cd into movie-rater-api folder and run in your terminal:
$ npm install
- On your command line run:
$ psql
$ CREATE TABLE ratings (imdb_id text, thumbs_up integer, thumbs_down integer, title text);
$ SELECT * FROM ratings;
If everything went well you should see something like this on your command line:
Open a new terminal window.
Cd into movie-rater-api
Open the folder in your text-editor and add .env file with necessary variables:
POSTGRES_PASSWORD = (Your password)
DB_PORT=(Your postgres port)
DB_USER=(Your postgres username)
- Run in your terminal:
$ node index.js
Open a new terminal window.
Clone down this FE repository and cd into project folder.
If the given API key does not work. In your browser, go to, subscribe and add your given API key to a .env file in the Front End project folder.
In your terminal run:
$ npm install
$ npm start
You should now be able to view the application in your browser at http://localhost:3000/
Go ahead and search for some movies and add your ratings, if you run in your Postgres CLI:
$ SELECT * FROM ratings;
You should be able to view your ratings!
I was a bit nervous but also excited going into this challenge, as an alumni of the Front End program at the Turing School of Software & Design, I had never actually built an API from scratch before. I love immersing myself in new tech and learning more about the Back End has been a priority for me. I have tons of experience with JavaScript and have built microservices with Express.js and used Postgres a bit, so I settled in on this as my Back End stack. One thing I wish I had gotten to on the Back End was Migrations so I could seed the database when the challenge was viewed by YearOne staff. Unfortunately, even with the extension YearOne graciously gave me, I have no more time to work on this project due to previous commitments. I had no problems on the Front End other than I wanted to get more testing done, specifically integration and more sad path unit tests. Thank you YearOne for the opportunity to work on this challenge, I am very happy with what I made.