
Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


The bpfman-operator repository exists in order to deploy and manage bpfman within a Kubernetes cluster. This operator was built utilizing some great tooling provided by the operator-sdk library. A great first step in understanding some of the functionality can be to just run make help.

license Project maturity: alpha Go report card

Deploy bpfman Operator

The bpfman-operator is running as a Deployment with a ReplicaSet of one. It runs on the control plane and is composed of the containers bpfman-operator and kube-rbac-proxy. The operator is responsible for launching the bpfman Daemonset, which runs on every node. The bpfman Daemonset is composed of the containers bpfman, bpfman-agent, and node-driver-registrar.

Deploy Locally via KIND

After reviewing the possible make targets it's quick and easy to get bpfman deployed locally on your system via a KIND cluster, run:

make run-on-kind

NOTE: By default, bpfman-operator deploys bpfman with CSI enabled. CSI requires Kubernetes v1.26 due to a PR (kubernetes/kubernetes#112597) that addresses a gRPC Protocol Error that was seen in the CSI client code and it doesn't appear to have been backported. It is recommended to install kind v0.20.0 or later.

Deploy To Openshift Cluster

First deploy the operator with one of the following two options:

1. Manually with Kustomize

To manually install with Kustomize and raw manifests, execute the following commands. The Openshift cluster needs to be up and running and specified in ~/.kube/config file.

make deploy-openshift

To clean up at a later time, run:

make undeploy-openshift

2. Via the OLM bundle

The other option for installing the bpfman-operator is through the OLM bundle.

First create the namespace:

oc create ns openshift-bpfman

Then use operator-sdk to install the bundle like so:

operator-sdk run bundle quay.io/bpfman/bpfman-operator-bundle:latest --namespace openshift-bpfman

To clean up at a later time, execute:

operator-sdk cleanup bpfman-operator

followed by

oc delete ns openshift-bpfman

Verify the Installation

Regardless of the deployment method, if the bpfman-operator was deployed successfully, you will see the bpfman-daemon and bpfman-operator pods running without errors:

kubectl get pods -n bpfman
NAME                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
bpfman-daemon-w24pr                3/3     Running   0          130m
bpfman-operator-78cf9c44c6-rv7f2   2/2     Running   0          132m

Deploy an eBPF Program to the cluster

To test the deployment simply deploy one of the sample xdpPrograms:

kubectl apply -f config/samples/bpfman.io_v1alpha1_xdp_pass_xdpprogram.yaml

If loading of the XDP Program to the selected nodes was successful it will be reported back to the user via the xdpProgram's status field:

kubectl get xdpprogram xdp-pass-all-nodes -o yaml
apiVersion: bpfman.io/v1alpha1
kind: XdpProgram
    kubectl.kubernetes.io/last-applied-configuration: |
  creationTimestamp: "2023-11-07T19:16:39Z"
  - bpfman.io.operator/finalizer
  generation: 2
    app.kubernetes.io/name: xdpprogram
  name: xdp-pass-all-nodes
  resourceVersion: "157187"
  uid: 21c71a61-4e73-44eb-9b49-07af2866d25b
  bpffunctionname: pass
      imagepullpolicy: IfNotPresent
      url: quay.io/bpfman-bytecode/xdp_pass:latest
    GLOBAL_u8: AQ==
    GLOBAL_u32: DQwLCg==
    primarynodeinterface: true
  mapownerselector: {}
  nodeselector: {}
  priority: 0
  - pass
  - dispatcher_return
  - lastTransitionTime: "2023-11-07T19:16:42Z"
    message: bpfProgramReconciliation Succeeded on all nodes
    reason: ReconcileSuccess
    status: "True"
    type: ReconcileSuccess

To view information in listing form simply run:

kubectl get xdpprogram -o wide
xdp-pass-all-nodes   pass              {}             0          {"primarynodeinterface":true}   ["pass","dispatcher_return"]

API Types Overview

Refer to api-spec.md for a detailed description of all the bpfman Kubernetes API types.

Multiple Program CRDs

The multiple *Program CRDs are the bpfman Kubernetes API objects most relevant to users. They express how and where eBPF programs are to be deployed within a Kubernetes cluster. Currently, bpfman supports:

  • fentryProgram
  • fexitProgram
  • kprobeProgram
  • tcProgram
  • tracepointProgram
  • uprobeProgram
  • xdpProgram

BpfProgram CRD

The BpfProgram CRD is used internally by the bpfman-deployment to keep track of per-node bpfman state, such as map pin points, and to report node specific errors back to the user. Kubernetes users/controllers are only allowed to view these objects, NOT create or edit them.

Applications wishing to use bpfman to deploy/manage their eBPF programs in Kubernetes will make use of this object to find references to the bpfMap pinpoints (spec.maps) in order to configure their eBPF programs.


For more architecture details about bpfman-operator, refer to Developing the bpfman-operator