
Draw tf out on the world's best canvas - GitHub Contribution Calendar!

Primary LanguagePython

GitHub Contribution Calendar Art!

Draw tf out on the world's best canvas - GitHub Contribution Calendar (because why not).


The way this works is fairly straightforward. First, a custom chrome extension is used to inject JavaScript into the GitHub profile page's DOM using a service worker, and well, the rest is self-explainatory.

We get the dimensions of the contribution chart using JS, forward that data to a Flask server, and use python Pillow to resolve any given image into the chart's "coordinates", aka the respective cells.

Setting Up

Disclaimer: This is only going to work on Chromium based browsers.

  • Clone the repo, and install the dependencies:

    git clone https://github.com/BillyDoesDev/github-contrib-cal.git
    cd github-contrib-cal
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Start the server.

    usage: python server.py [options] directory_path
    positional arguments:
    directory_path  Path to the directory where your images are
    -h, --help      show this help message and exit
    --inv           Invert images
    --reload_cache  Disable using cache [generates frames again]
    Version 0.0.1

    NOTE: The pictures you put inside the directory MUST BE NAMED LIKE SO: frame#.png, where the # is the frame number, starting from 1. This is done to make sure stuff happens in the right order. Should you fail to do this, there might be unwanted/unexpected results.

  • Next, open up your Chrome extensions page, and enable Developer mode, and click on Load unpacked.

  • Pick the current folder this project is in, and you should see a new extension load up - pin it.

  • Next, navigate to a GitHub profile of your choice, click the extension, and enjoy!


This was made with love. (Actually no, I'm lying. I was just too bored lol).

Contributions are welcome, I'll add in more features when I have nothing else to do. Peace.