IBM Quantum Challenge Fall 2021

These are the solutions I submitted for the IBM Quantum Challenge Fall 2021
The original challenge repository is at /qiskit-community/ibm-quantum-challenge-fall-2021

Challenge Details

Date: November 2021


Here's a screenshot of my challenge portal dashboard.
IQC Fall 2021 Challenge Portal Screenshot

And here's my advanced badge, for completing all the exercises.
IBM Quantum Challenge Advanced Badge


The challenge consisted of 4 challenges, in each challenge-x folder.
Each folder has a introduction, a .ipynb workbook, and a .html copy of the workbook.
Unfortunately, I didn't have time to finish the extra exercise 4c, but sections of my implementation do give correct outputs. Maybe I'll revisit it in the future.


challenge1 - Qiskit Finance: Portfolio Optimisation
challenge2 - Qiskit Nature: Bandgap Calculation
challenge3 - Qiskit Machine Learning: Image Classification
challenge4 - Qiskit Optimisation: Resource Allocation