Hareflow is a RabbitMQ stream client for C++.
It uses an API similar to the existing official Java client, with the ability to create, delete, consume from, and publish to streams.
git clone https://github.com/coveooss/hareflow
cmake [-DBUILD_TESTS=TRUE] -B build -S hareflow
cmake --build build
ctest --test-dir build
cmake --install build --prefix staging
cpack --config build/CPackConfig.cmake
If you want to use microsoft/vcpkg as the package manager, set the environment variable CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE
to <VCPKG_ROOT>/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake
where <VCPKG_ROOT>
is the path of the vcpkg repository on your machine.
The project is still in development, however most APIs are expected to remain stable and API breaking changes will be kept to a minimum.
A low-level client is also exposed, though its direct usage is generally not needed and its API is subject to breaking changes.
No guarantees are made about ABI stability.
#include <chrono>
#include <hareflow/hareflow.h>
int main()
// Note: these are the default values, they are only specified for illustration purposes.
hareflow::EnvironmentPtr environment = hareflow::EnvironmentBuilder().host("localhost").username("guest").password("guest").build();
int nb_confirmed = 0;
hareflow::ProducerPtr producer = environment->producer_builder().stream("my-stream").build();
for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
hareflow::MessagePtr message = hareflow::MessageBuilder().body("some data").build();
producer->send(message, [&](const hareflow::ConfirmationStatus& status) {
if (status.confirmed) {
} else {
// deal with error appropriately
// Note: waiting for confirmations omitted for simplicity
producer = nullptr;
int nb_consumed = 0;
auto message_handler = [&](const hareflow::MessageContext& context, hareflow::MessagePtr message) {
hareflow::ConsumerPtr consumer = environment->consumer_builder().stream("my-stream").offset(hareflow::OffsetSpecification::first()).message_handler(message_handler).build();
// Note: waiting for messages omitted for simplicity
consumer = nullptr;
return 0;
- Creating, deleting, publishing to, and consuming from streams.
- Automatic reconnection on network or broker failure.
- Wrapping messages in AMQP 1.0 frame for better queue interoperability.
- Manual or automatic cursor management for consumers, with automatic periodic persist.
- Automatic message batching, with configurable maximum publish delay.
Hareflow is integrated to vcpkg and it is highly suggested to use it to build and install the library: https://vcpkg.info/port/hareflow
Hareflow supports GCC, Clang, and MSVC, and requires a compiler with support for C++17 features.