

  1. Different course have different (100 points) grading scales, therefore all grades are entered based on the LetterGrade, 4.0 scale. (For instance A and above is a 4.0, A- is a 3.7, B+ is a 3.3... so and so forth, per UVA grading policy) (User will enter their letter grade as either decimals or integers)

  2. User can enter course with a name, credit hours, and grade. *--If enter with all three fields, a course will be added with the specified fields *--If entered with only credit hours, a default "A New Course" will created with the given credit hour *--If entered with only credit hours and grade, an "Unknown Course" will be created *--If entered with only credit hours and name, a known course will be created without a grade, and generally considered as a default "A New Course" --If entered with nothing, a default "A New Course" will be created *CREDIT HOUR MUST BE ENTERED ALONG WITH THE REST OF THE FIELD IN ORDER TO COMPLETE A SUBMISSION **NO SUBMISSION CAN BE ACCPETED IF ENTER ONLY WITH A NAME, GRADE, OR BOTH **A DEFAULT COURSE HAS THE NAME "A NEW COURSE" AND A GRADE OF "0"

  3. In order to calculate a required GPA, there must be a minimum of one course entered in the list, and a target GPA.

  4. To remove single courses, please select one or multiple courses in the list and click "Remove Selected Course", or "Remove All Courses".

  5. With you have an enjoyable experience!