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If you are using this code, please cite:
- Cao Bin, Zhang Tong-yi, Xiong Jie, Zhang Qian, Sun Sheng. Package of Boosting-based transfer learning [2023SR0525555], 2023, Software copyright, GitHub : github.com/Bin-Cao/TrAdaboost.
Transfer learning allows leveraging the knowledge of source domains, available a priori, to help training a classifier for a target domain, where the available data is scarce.
(1) classification
(2) Regression
Written using Python, which is suitable for operating systems, e.g., Windows/Linux/MAC OS etc.
license='MIT License'
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.. [3] Rettinger, A., Zinkevich, M., & Bowling, M. (2006, July). Boosting expert ensembles for rapid concept recall. In Proceedings of the National Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Vol. 21, No. 1, p. 464). Menlo Park, CA; Cambridge, MA; London; AAAI Press; MIT Press; 1999.
.. [4] Pardoe, D., & Stone, P. (2010, June). Boosting for regression transfer. In Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 863-870).
Maintained by Bin Cao. Please feel free to open issues in the Github or contact Bin Cao (bcao686@connect.hkust-gz.edu.cn) in case of any problems/comments/suggestions in using the code.
1 : Instance-based transfer learning
Instance selection (marginal distributions are same while conditional distributions are different) :
Instance re-weighting (conditional distributions are same while marginal distributions are different) :
2 : Feature-based transfer learning
Explicit distance:
case 1 : marginal distributions are same while conditional distributions are different:
case 1 : conditional distributions are same while marginal distributions are different
case 3 : Both marginal distributions and conditional distributions are different
Implicit distance :
3 : Parameter-based transfer learning
- Pretraining + fine tune