
Exploration word analysis app into using go for web development

Primary LanguageHTML


Web application that counts the frequency of words of input text file.

Project dependencies

  • Go (1.12+) + std libs
  • github.com/gorrilla/mux
  • github.com/stretchr/testify/assert

Dev Installation

  1. clone project into go/src/
  2. run commands to install ext library dependencies:
  • go get -u github.com/gorrilla/mux
  • go get -u github.com/stretchr/testify/assert
  • go get -u github.com/BinSquare/goWordAnalysis/vendor
  1. run command to execute program
  • go run main.go


Tests follow the structure of {name}_test.go

Full coverage tests:

go tests ./...

User installation (for linux)

  1. clone project 1.5. If goWordAnalysis binary does not exist, run at root project folder:
  • go build .
  1. run
  • ./goWordAnalysis

User installation (for cross-built binaries)

  1. clone project
  2. go build .
  3. Place built binary into root directory i.e. folder containing main.go


  1. navigate to localhost:8080 for the webapp

Project structure

Folder Function
assets contains all static files such as sample test data and externally downloaded datasets
templates front-end html files
uploads directory used to store temp data files
vender holds all abstracted out utility functions + tests programs
main.go backend + integration program: contains server + routing + utilities
goWordAnalysis compiled binary for linux64

##Program Design

###Quick overview:

Go is chosen for this project because it highlights my ability to adapt to new technologies. I did not know how to program in go before this project. Though it's benefits in speed and ease of use certainly helped.

Program was designed with an emphasis on being unit testable, though an integration test is missing due to time constraint. Along with some needed refactoring on main.go. This project does follows the MVC architecture (lightly). Go's internal templating structure allows for decoupling of the front and the backend. The front-end is composed of index.html with materializecsss, holding only references to data. Main.go acts as a controller most of the time, dictacting flow of data, while vendor contains the different data structures and the associate methods. There are cases of DRY as a result of lack of generics in Go.

Also, internal libraries are used as much as possible to showcase the go language itself. Thus the word counting, stemming, uniqifying, and sorting functions are all self implemented as opposed to using magic functions and provided datastructures in Python or similar languages.