- 0
SSR (Nuxt) support
#33 opened by randompch - 2
Passing props to message component
#28 opened by m3hari - 0
Need support for asynchronous notifications
#49 opened by 03sarath - 0
The vue-notifyjs Usage with Html5 !~~~~~
#48 opened by yyccQQu - 2
Fiddles dont work
#35 opened by aitchnyu - 0
Jsfiddle Error
#40 opened by jithuarun-s - 0
- 0
[ASK] How to call notify from js files
#34 opened by christhofer - 1
Custom html error
#31 opened by sylvaincaillot - 0
Yarn lock on gitignore
#22 opened by amandiobm - 3
Vuex Notification Handling
#24 opened by dbettin - 5
Closing fixed notifications not working
#25 opened by P4R4DiSi4C - 1
Use with vee-validate ?
#26 opened by inickca - 5
- 1
Plugin not loading
#30 opened by hrakotom - 4
- 4
Catch the click event on the entire message
#11 opened by coreation - 2
Demos are broken
#15 opened by cendrizzi - 4
close all notifications manually
#16 opened by jvizcaya - 1
Demos do not work
#19 opened by karambafe - 0
Update version with close method
#20 opened by amandiobm - 0
- 2
- 2
- 4
CSS conflicts
#6 opened by thgh - 5
Suggest to add message title to Notifyjs
#7 opened by buildJava