BAP Test suite

This repository contains tests and test artifacts for Binary Analysis Platform. We use DejaGNU testing framework to glue everything in one piece. The tests are organized around different tools, namely bap, mc, byteweight (to be added), and so on.


Testing the Platform

The repository was designed to be ran automatically by Travis CI, but still can be used manually. Just clone it, make sure that you have dejagnu installed on your system, and run:

make check

This will run all tests for all tools. To test only specific $tool, run

runtest --tool=$tool

To run only a specific suite from a file.exp of a $tool use:

runtest --tool=$tool file.exp

See man runtest for more information.

Adding new test

To add a new test to an existing tool create a file <testname>.exp in a folder, that contains tests for the tool. For example, to add a new test to a bap frontend, add it to bap.tests. The tests are written in Tcl extended with expect command. The DejaGNU framework adds few functions, such as pass, fail. Even more functions are added by tool specific libraries, the lib/$tool.exp is evaluated before $tool test, making all its definitions available. Also site.exp file defines site configuration parameters (see Structure section below, for information on a structure of the suite).

Adding new tool

To add new tool $tool, you need to create:

  • a folder $tool.tests where test suites will be stored;
  • add this test to the Makefile TOOLS variable
  • add lib/$tool.exp as a tool support package

Adding new test artifact

We store artifacts in binary mode and if possible in source code. There are few reasons to commit the artifacts in the binary form:

  1. it is quite to compile them in a portable way
  2. sometimes there're now source code for an artifact

The artifact name should have form tripple-name, where tripple is a canonical target representation, e.g., arm-linux-gnueabi, i686-w64-mingw32, etc. An example of a well-formed fully tripplified name would be: arm-linux-androideabi-echo.

Once a new test artifact is added, make sure that all existing tests are passing. If the don't then either create an issue (if you think, that they should pass), or fix the test.


The repository structure is defined by requirements of the DejaGNU framework. For each $tool there is a folder $tool.tests that contains tests for this $tool. A library lib/$tool.exp contains code that can be reused across different tools. Other modules from this folder can be loaded with load_lib procedure provide by the DejaGNU framework, e.g., common.exp is used for sharing code between all tools. The config folder contains configuration files (i.e., files that define configuration constants) specific for boards. (Currently we support only unix board, so at this point of time it can be ignored).

The src folder contains source code for test artifacts. Each test-artifact that has a source should be rebuildable from the source, using a recipe in src/Makefile. The src/Makefile can contain recipes that are not portable.

The bin folder contains the test artifacts built from sources src, or obtained from some obscure system. The folder must contain only binary files for testing. If some object data is needed, then it should be stored in corresponding test folder in the test itself or as a file with .dat extension (or any other suitable extension). If you want to add some meta information to a file that is not backed by a source code, it would be a good idea to add a textual file with the same basename as the file into the src folder.

Current Status

Currently the suite is an alpha stage and is not yet integrated with Travis CI. It will be as soon, as we will get 0 on the make check.