
Find a great recipe

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


So you have a bunch of ingredients and don't know what to make? Sweet. Just fire me up and watch the magic happen!


usage: src/main.py [-h] [-k KEY] [-d] [-v] INGREDIENT [INGREDIENT ...]

Find a great recipe

positional arguments:
  INGREDIENT         Space delimited list of ingredients

optional arguments:
  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  -k KEY, --key KEY  API key for food2fork
  -d, --dev          run in developer mode
  -v, --verbose      run in verbose mode


  1. You will need python3, git, and make installed on your machine

  2. Run some commands:

    # Clone this repo
    git clone git@github.com:binarybeard/ingredient2recipe.git
    # Run make to install all the dependencies
  3. Get an API Key from food2fork

  4. Run the program:

    # Example (replace KEY with your API Key)
    src/main.py --key KEY fish chicken
    # Get some verbosity
    src/main.py --key KEY fish chicken --verbose
    # Use the mock json files (don't make API Calls)
    src/main.py fish chicken --dev

Configuration File

To avoid using the --key KEY flag on the command line, put the API Key in REPO_ROOT/config.json file (REPO_ROOT is the root level of the cloned directory).

    "api_key": "YOUR_API_KEY"

Known Issues

As python is not my primary language, there may be a lot of issues with the structure of the code. I ran into a few things when it came to building the tests...

Ingredients names that are more than one word


src/main.py fish sauce


['fish sauce']




Probably changing the delimiter to something other than whitespace. Using commas, or pipes, or something would be better, but not as user friendly.


Easy, 30 minutes

Sometimes ingredients only match the title


src/main.py cat


Parse through the recipes to ensure we are matching ingredients. This will also bring in the logic of paging through the API.


Easy, 2 hours

Fully qualified ingredient names


src/main.py fish chicken


We would need a better way to qualify ingredients. Typically recipes call for chicken breast, or chicken thighs, etc. Chicken is very generic and isn't used in many recipes. We need a better way to qualify the type of chicken [read: and other generic ingredients] the user is inputting. There would be a robust infrastructure of regular expressions to handle most of this logic.


Medium, 1 day