ChromaToggle v0.6

"The Customization Sensation"

Here at ChromaToggle® we value your eye-cone-thingies.
A recent trend of duochromitis has plagued the VR community these last few months, and we've decided to balance the playing field.

ChromaToggle® can bring you up from your sad, rainbowless life into a world of Pentachrome™ magic. Experience the joy of having up to six different colours of blocks flying towards you at break neck speed! If that's not enough for you, we even offer a cacophony of Technicolour© lightwaves, to bring your eyes to their knees!

ChromaToggle® can take any map you already know and love and turn it into something much more intense, with its On-The-Fly (OTF) map tweak system! Take any two hand map and play it with one hand! Take any one hand map and play it with four hands! The possibilities are endless!

ChromaToggle™ also boasts the most power in colour customization you've ever seen, allowing you to customize blocks, lights, sabers, and barriers into not just one but multiple colours! Standard gameplay works as you would expect, but we also offer you Pentachrome lighting to bring your duochrome world to the next (three) levels! And if that's not enough for you, Technicolour is a fully customizeable, palette based version of Rainbow mode, that can be applied to blocks, lights, sabers, barriers, in any combination!

Or, if you're the sort to prefer hand crafted perfection (hence Beat Saber), mappers can place blocks and lights of all the above types! But that's not all, ChromaToggle®™© even offers *full RGB control of lightmaps! Give Liquid's example map, Chromakey Lightshow a play and see how much more colourful your world can be!
(Play on Easy difficulty for just a lightshow, Expert for Pentachrome Toggle mode)


Finally, if you're more averse to colours, we bring you Nightmare Mode for halloween! It's a dark cold world out there, and it wants to kill you, so maybe you should stay in here, where it's colourful...

For a full description of ChromaToggle, view the What Is ChromaToggle? page!

We hope you enjoy Hyperchroma-induced Synthesia!


JOIN THE DISCORD What Is ChromaToggle?
How Do I make Custom Gamemodes? Guide Not Made Yet Lol I need help with the config!


ChromaToggle is not compatible with the following plugins:

  • Custom Colours
    • Soft Compatibility Issue - game still works, but doesn't colourize as intended.
    • ChromaToggle does everything CC does and better anyway.
  • SimplestRainbowMod
    • Soft Compatibility Issue - game still works, but doesn't colourize as intended.
    • ChromaToggle has a better version of rainbow mode anyway!
      • Warm/Cold uses palettes to stay true to cold/warm, so you can still identify sides.
      • Can apply rainbowism to lights, sabers, blocks, and barriers.
      • Technicolour settings are now found in the Player Settings tab of the menu to the left of the song list.
  • DarthMaul - ChromaToggle can give you TWO darth mauls!
    • Moderate Compatibility Issue - Game will still run, but only if Darth Maul is disabled. Therefore, there's no reason to be running Darth Maul.

Download it from the releases page.

Active Leaderboards:

  • Forced Single Saber
  • Pentachrome Toggle