Elite Dangerous computer vision based autopilot version 2
Program uses openCV and other tools in python to navigate automatically in Elite Dangerous.
Look here for the autopilot alpha version release.
The program will create an icon on the taskbar.
- Setup a route in the galaxy map as you would normally, then:
- Optionally right click the taskbar icon to set which fire group (primary or secondary) you have configured your discovery scanner to, to enable auto-scanner (remember you must have a keyboard, not mouse, binding as well)
Press Home key to start autopilot.
Press End key to abort autopilot.
In game, you must have configured keyboard keys for all of the following. You may configure them in either the left or the right slot, and this program will automatically fetch your most recent changes.
- In 'Mouse Control':
- Reset Mouse
- In 'Flight Rotation':
- Yaw Left
- Yaw Right
- Roll Left
- Roll Right
- Pitch Up
- Pitch Down
- In 'Flight Throttle':
- Set Speed To 0%
- Set Speed To 100%
- In 'Flight Miscellaneous'
- Toggle Frameshift Drive
- In 'Mode Switches':
- UI Focus
- Enter FSS Mode
- In 'Interface Mode':
- UI Panel Up
- UI Panel Down
- UI Panel Left
- UI Panel Right
- UI Panel Select
- UI Back
- Next Panel Tab
- In 'Headlook Mode':
- Reset Headlook
- In 'Full Spectrum System Scanner':
- Discovery Scan
- Leave FSS
- Game resolution: 1080p Borderless
- Ship UI color: Orange (default colour)
- Ship UI brightness: Maximum
I recommend setting your route finder to use only scoopable stars. For full functionality, "Advanced Autodocking" module must be outfitted on ship. Definitely do not leave this running unsupervised unless you don't mind paying rebuy.
Or if you'd like to set it up and run the script directly...
Requires python 3 and git
- Clone this repository
> git clone https://github.com/BinaryEnigma01/EDAutopilot.git
- Install requirements
> cd EDAutoPilot
> pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run script
`python autopilot.py`
OR you may have to run
`python3 autopilot.py`
if you have both python 2 and 3 installed.
If you encounter any issues during pip install, try running:
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
instead of pip install -r requirements.txt