
AI-powered mental health application

Primary LanguageTypeScript


AI-powered Mental Health app.

1. Introduction

1.1 Useful Links

  • Pay attention, that we have certain quality criteria, which we should follow during application development.

2. Domain

CalmPal is an AI-powered Mental Health app designed to be a trusted companion on the path to inner peace. The app offers a comprehensive approach to mental well-being, combining AI-driven therapy through a highly responsive chatbot and personalized mindfulness practices (meditation, mood tracking, and journaling).

The CalmPal goal is to be the best tool for people who have mental health problems and want to manage stress and keep their emotions balanced.

3. Requirements

  • NodeJS (18.x.x);
  • npm (9.x.x);
  • PostgreSQL (15.4)
  • EsLint plugin is not supported - we use additional rules to check the code quality, some of which are not supported by the plugin

4. Database Schema

   users {
      int id PK
      dateTime created_at
      dateTime updated_at
      citext email "unique constraint"
      text password_hash
      text password_salt
      int role_id FK
   user_roles {
      int id PK
      dateTime created_at
      dateTime updated_at
      varchar name
      varchar key "chatbot and user"
   user_details {
      int id PK
      dateTime created_at
      dateTime updated_at
      int user_id FK
      varchar full_name
      int avatar_id FK "may be null if user has no avatar"
      boolean is_survey_completed
   files {
      int id PK
      dateTime created_at
      dateTime updated_at
      varchar url
      varchar content_type
   user_preferences {
      int id PK
      int user_id FK
      dateTime created_at
      dateTime updated_at
      boolean is_notification_allowed  "may be altered later"
      boolean is_meditation_reminder_enabled "may be altered later"
      boolean are_mood_notifications_emabled "may be altered later"
      boolean are_notes_reminder_enabled "may be altered later"
   chat_topics {
      int id PK
      dateTime created_at
      dateTime updated_at
      varchar name
      int image_id FK
   chats {
      int id PK
      dateTime created_at
      dateTime updated_at
      varchar name
      int topic_id FK
   users_to_chats {
     int id PK
     dateTime created_at
     dateTime updated_at
     int user_id FK
     int chat_id FK
   chat_messages {
      int id PK
      varchar name
      int chat_id FK
      int sender_id FK "create a user"
      dateTime created_at
      dateTime updated_at
      text message
   meditation_topics {
      int id PK
      dateTime created_at
      dateTime updated_at
      varchar name
      int image_id FK
   meditation_entries {
      int id PK
      dateTime created_at
      dateTime updated_at
      int topic_id FK
      varchar name
      varchar media_url
      varchar content_type
   journal_entries {
      int id PK
      int user_id FK
      dateTime created_at
      dateTime updated_at
      varchar title
      text text
   surveys {
      int id PK
      int user_id FK
      dateTime created_at
      dateTime updated_at
      array preferences
   user_roles ||--|{ users : user_role_id
   user_details ||--|| users : user_id
   user_preferences ||--|| users : user_id
   user_details ||..|o files : avatar_id
   chat_topics ||--|{ chats : chat_topic_id
   chat_topics ||..|o files : chat_topic_image_id
   chats ||--|{ chat_messages : chat_id
   chats ||--|| users_to_chats : chat_id
   users ||--|| users_to_chats : user_id
   users ||--|{ chat_messages : user_id
   users ||--|{ journal_entries : user_id
   meditation_topics ||..|o files : meditation_topic_image_id
   meditation_topics ||--|{ meditation_entries : meditation_topic_id
   user_details |o--o| surveys : user_id


5. Architecture

Application schema:

Application schema

5.1 Global

5.1.1 Technologies

  1. Typescript
  2. npm workspaces

5.2 Frontend

5.2.1 Technologies

  1. React — a frontend library
  2. Redux + Redux Toolkit — a state manager

5.2.2 Folder Structure

  1. assets - static assets (images, global styles)

  2. libs - shared libraries and utilities

    2.1 components - plain react components

    2.2 enums

    2.3 helpers

    2.4 hooks

    2.5 packages - separate features or functionalities

    2.6 types

  3. packages - separate app features or functionalities

  4. pages - app pages

  5. slices - redux slices

5.3 Backend

5.3.1 Technologies

  1. Fastify — a backend framework
  2. Knex — a query builder
  3. Objection — an ORM

5.3.2 Folder Structure

  1. db - database data (migrations, seeds)

  2. libs - shared libraries and utilities

    2.1 enums

    2.2 exceptions

    2.3 helpers

    2.4 packages - separate features or functionalities

    2.5 types

  3. packages - separate app features or functionalities

5.4 Mobile

This project is mainly focused on Android platform.

5.4.1 Technologies

  1. React Native — a mobile library
  2. Redux + Redux Toolkit — a state manager

5.4.2 Folder Structure

  1. assets - static assets (images)

  2. libs - shared libraries and utilities

    2.1 components - plain react components

    2.2 enums

    2.3 helpers

    2.4 hooks

    2.5 packages - separate features or functionalities

    2.6 types

  3. navigations - app navigators

  4. packages - separate app features or functionalities

  5. screens - app screens

  6. slices - redux slices

5.5 Shared Package

5.5.1 Reason

As we are already using js on both frontend and backend it would be useful to share some contracts and code between them.

5.5.2 Technologies

  1. Joi — a schema validator

6. How to Run

6.1 Manually

  1. Create and fill all .env files. These files are:
  • frontend/.env
  • backend/.env
  • mobile/.env

You should use .env.example folder as a reference.

  1. Install dependencies: npm install.

  2. Install pre-commit hooks: npx simple-git-hooks. This hook is used to verify code style on commit.

  3. Run database. You can either run it in docker using command docker-compose --env-file ./backend/.env -f docker-compose.services.yml up --build or by installing postgres on your computer. Docker variant is preferred.

  4. Apply migrations: npm run migrate:dev -w backend

  5. Run backend: npm run start:dev -w backend

  6. Run frontend: npm run start:dev -w frontend

  7. Run mobile: npm run start:dev -w mobile

7. Development Flow

7.1 Pull Request Flow

<project-prefix>-<issue-number>: <ticket-title>


  • cp-5: Add User Dashboard

7.2 Branch Flow



  • task
  • fix


  • task/cp-5-add-user-dashboard
  • task/cp-12-add-user-flow
  • fix/cp-16-fix-user-flow

7.3 Commit Flow

<project-prefix>-<issue-number>: <modifier> <description>


  • + (add)
  • * (edit)
  • - (remove)


  • cp-5: + title for dashboard
  • cp-12: * dashboard title
  • cp-16: - dashboard title

8. Deployment

CI/CD implemented using GitHub Actions