BSA Winter 2022-2023 | .NET | EasySpeak



  • Platform: .NET 6
  • Network: REST, SignalR, RabbitMQ
  • Database: MS SQL Server, Entity Framework Core
  • Cloud: Azure
  • Other: JWT, Firebase, Docker


  • Angular


Building sources

By default, apps run on the following ports:

Application Port
EasySpeak.Core 5050
EasySpeak.Notifier 5070
EasySpeak.Communicator 5080
EasySpeak.Emailer 5090
RabbitMQ 5672
EasySpeak.Recommendator 5110

Tip: If you want to connect to the specific service outside of docker, then use "localhost" as a service name, but if both services are inside docker, use service_name from a "docker-compose" file instead.

DB Schema

  Users ||--|{ Friends : requesterId
  Users ||--|{ Friends : userId
  Users ||--|{ Notifications : userId
  Users }|--|{ Chats : id
  Users }|--|{ Lessons : id
  Users }|--|{ CreatedLessons : id

  Users {
    bigint Id PK
    int country
    int language
    int timezone
    nvarchar firstName
    nvarchar lastName
    int age
    nvarchar email
    nvarchar imagePath
    int sex
    int languageLevel
    int status
    boolean isSubscribed
    boolean isBanned

  Notifications {
    bigint id PK
    bigint userId FK
    nvarchar text
    int type
    boolean isRead

    bigint id PK
    bigint requesterId FK
    bigint userId FK
    int friendshipStatus

  Chats ||--|{ Messages : chatId
  Chats ||--|{ Calls : chatId
  Chats {
    bigint id PK
    nvarchar name
  Lessons {
    bigint id PK
    bigint createdBy FK
    nvarchar name
    nvarchar description
    nvarchar mediaPath
    nvarchar questions
    datetime startsAt
    int limitOfUsers
    int languageLevel

  Calls {
    bigint id PK
	bigint createdBy
    bigint chatId FK
    datetime startedAt
    datetime finishedAt

  Tags }|--|{ Users : id
  Tags }|--|{ Lessons : id
  Tags {
    bigint id PK
    nvarchar text

  Messages {
    bigint id PK
	bigint createdBy
    bigint chatId FK
    nvarchar text
    datetime createdAt
    boolean isDeleted


Code quality

Make sure you read and follow .NET Quality Criteria. Also, there are some best practices for frontend development: Angular and Typescript


  1. Make sure you have Docker and Docker Compose.
  2. Pull this repo to your machine.
  3. You can build and run all application containers via docker-compose -f docker-compose.apps.yml up -d command.
  4. You can pull and run all 3rd-party services (MSSQL Server, RabbitMQ) via docker-compose -f up -d command.
  5. Happy coding! 😎

Setup environment for local development:

  1. Download and install .NET 6 SDK.
  2. It might be useful to have EF CLI. Install via command: dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
  3. Download and install LTS version of Node.js
  4. Install Angular-CLI via: npm install -g @angular/cli. What is Angular-CLI?

Extensions for frontend development (required):

  • ESLint (analysis tool that checks TypeScript\JavaScript code for readability, maintainability, and functionality errors)
  • EditorConfig (helps maintain consistent coding styles for multiple developers working on the same project)

Some extra extensions which can significantly help to work with Angular:

  • Angular Language Service (intelliSense for Angular templates)
  • Angular Snippets
  • Angular Schematics (working with Angular schematics via UI)

Environment variables

This is a list of the required environment variables:


RABBIT_MQ_USERNAME - RabbitMQ username

RABBIT_MQ_PASSWORD - RabbitMQ user password

MSSQL Server

SA_PASSWORD - MSSQL Server "SA" user password

FirebaseServiceAccountKey.json - Firebase API key. You can find it in Trello desk - Document reference - Firebase link - Save "privateKey"