
ℹ️ General Info

This is the repository responsible for SmartSpend's apps.

🏭 Applications

  • Backend — SmartSpend's application backend.

    To work properly, fill in the .env file. Use the .env.example file as an example.

  • Frontend — SmartSpend's application frontend.

    To work properly, fill in the .env file. Use the .env.example file as an example.

  • Shared — SmartSpend's application common modules for reuse.

🖍 Requirements

  • NodeJS (18.x.x);
  • NPM (9.x.x);
  • PostgreSQL (15.2)
  • run npx simple-git-hooks at the root of the project, before the start (it will set the pre-commit hook for any commits).

🏃‍♂️ Simple Start

  1. npm install at the root
  2. Fill ENVs
  3. npx simple-git-hooks at the root
  4. cd backend && npm run migrate:dev then npm run start:dev
  5. cd frontend && npm run start:dev
  6. Enjoy ❤️

🏗 Architecture

🛖 Application Schema


💽 DB Schema


🌑 Backend

🌕 Frontend

🥊 Code quality

  • simple-git-hooks — a tool that lets you easily manage git hooks.
  • lint-staged — run linters on git staged files.
  • dangerjs — automate common code review chores.
  • commitlint — helps your team adhere to a commit convention.
  • editorconfig — helps maintain consistent coding styles for multiple developers working on the same project across various editors and IDEs.
  • prettier — an opinionated code formatter.
  • ls-lint — file and directory name linter.
  • eslint — find problems in your JS code.
  • stylelint — find and fix problems in your CSS code.

🧑‍💻 CI

🗞 Git

🏅 Pull Request flow

<project-prefix>-<issue-number>: <ticket-title>
  • ss-5: Add Clinician Dashboard

🌳 Branch flow

  • task
  • fix
  • task/ss-5-add-clinician-dashboard
  • task/ss-12-add-clinician-flow
  • fix/ss-16-fix-clinician-flow

🗂 Commit flow

<project-prefix>-<issue-number>: <modifier> <description>
  • + (add)
  • * (edit)
  • - (remove)
  • ss-5: + title for dashboard
  • ss-12: * dashboard title
  • ss-16: - dashboard title

📦 CD

Handled by GitHub Actions.