
hexo blog site for personal blog: https://github.com/BinarywoodB/BinarywoodB.github.io

Hexo Blog Tutorial

Personal blog: https://github.com/BinarywoodB/BinarywoodB.github.io


  1. Node.js v12

Setup Development Environment

  1. Clone repo as long as submodule

    git clone https://github.com/BinarywoodB/hexo-blog.git
    git submodule init
    git submodule update
  2. Install npm packages

    cd blog
    npm install hexo-cli -g
    npm install


Enter the ./blog folder to run the below commands.

  1. Create a Hexo Blog

    npm install hexo-cli -g
    hexo init blog
    cd blog
    npm install
    hexo server
  2. Set information of your blog

    # _config.yml
    # Site
    title: Di Lin's Blog
    subtitle: ''
    description: 'Di Lin's personal blog'
    author: Di Lin
    language: en
    timezone: ''
  3. Use nexT them

    • Fork next theme repo to your personal github so later you can make changes to the next config. Go to https://github.com/theme-next/hexo-theme-next and click fork to your personal github.

    • Set next as your hexo blog's submodule.

      git submodule add https://github.com/<your-github-name>/hexo-theme-next blog/themes/next
    • Update blog/_config.yml:

      theme: next
  4. Overwrite nexT config

    Add theme_config in _config.yml to override config of theme. (e.g. themes/next/_config.yml)

        # avatar locates in ./blog/source/images/avatar.jpg
        url: /images/avatar.jpg
        position: right
  5. Local debug your blog

    # Generate static files
    $ hexo generate
    $ hexo g
    # Start hexo server, running at localhost:4000/
    $ hexo server
    $ hexo s
  6. Create a new page / post / draft

    $ hexo new [layout] <title>
    $ hexo new page tags
    $ hexo new page about


    • page
    • post
    • draft

    After creating new pages, you can find new page folder with index.html under source folder.

    Create the new page before you add content to that page, or you will get 404 when nevigate to the page. Since the new page command will create index.html for the page.

  7. Create pages for your personal site

    • Create page
      $ hexo new page about
      $ hexo new page tags
      $ hexo new page CV
      $ hexo new page categories
    • Edit blog/source/about/index.md to add your about info.
    • Update _config.yml
      theme: next
          home: / || fa fa-home
          about: /about/ || fa fa-user
          CV: /CV/ || fa fa-heartbeat
          tags: /tags/ || fa fa-tags
          categories: /categories/ || fa fa-th
          archives: /archives/ || fa fa-archive
    • Add "type" to blog/source/tags/index.md and blog/source/categories/index.md. So posts with "tags" or "categories" can be sorted into these two pages.
      # *blog/source/tags/index.md*
      title: tags
      date: 2021-01-02 16:24:48
      type: "tags"
      # blog/source/categories/index.md
      title: categories
      date: 2021-01-02 19:56:18
      type: "categories"
  8. Create a new post

    Place your default blogs as posts. To create new post:

    $ hexo new "post file name"
    $ hexo new -p toolkit/delete-useless-aad-app.md "Delete Useless AAD App"
  9. Create a new draft

    # You need to point out path. Default layout is post.
    $ hexo new draft "newDraft"
    $ hexo publish [layout] <filename>
    # E.g. hexo publish
  10. Local debug

    hexo g && hexo s
  11. Deploy to GitHub Page

    • Under blog/ directory, install git as deployer
      npm install hexo-deployer-git --save
    • Update _config.yml file
          type: git
          repo: git@github.com:BinarywoodB/BinarywoodB.github.io.git
          branch: main
    • Deploy To GitHub Page
      hexo clean && hexo g && hexo d

Known Issue

  1. Next theme icon not showing when deploy to GitHub page [REF: The icons are gone?]

    Root Cause: The next plugin fails to pack font-awesome to correct location. We can

    • Install hexo-filter-optimize

      cd blog && npm install hexo-filter-optimize -D
    • Activate the plugin in hexo's _config.yml like this:

      enable: true
      # remove the surrounding comments in each of the bundled files
      remove_comments: false
          # minify all css files
          minify: true
          # bundle loaded css files into one
          bundle: true
          # use a script block to load css elements dynamically
          delivery: true
          # make specific css content inline into the html page
          #   - only support the full path
          #   - default is ['css/main.css']
          - '**/font-awesome.min.css'
          # minify all js files
          minify: true
          # bundle loaded js files into one
          bundle: true
      # set the priority of this plugin,
      # lower means it will be executed first, default of Hexo is 10
      priority: 12  

      Mind the following part to fix the filter issue.

          - '**/font-awesome.min.css'
    • In <next_root>/_config.myl, use CDN to provide font-awesome.

      # Internal path prefix.
      _internal: lib
      # Internal version: 3.1.0
      # anime: //cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/animejs@3.1.0/lib/anime.min.js
      # Internal version: 5.13.0
      # fontawesome: //cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@fortawesome/fontawesome-free@5/css/all.min.css
      fontawesome: //cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/font-awesome/5.13.0/css/all.min.css
    • Deploy To GitHub Page again

      hexo clean && hexo g && hexo d
  2. Case sensitive issue of files / directories of tags/categories.

    Resolved: hexo-deploy-case-sensitive
