I provide a simple genetic algorithm (GA) for feature selection tasks, which can select the potential features to improve the classification accuracy.
The "Main" script illustrates the example of how GA can solve the feature selection problem using a benchmark data-set.
Detail of GA can be found in the following papers:
[1] Too, J. and Abdullah, A.R., 2020. A new and fast rival genetic algorithm for feature selection. The Journal of Supercomputing. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11227-020-03378-9
[2] Too, J., Abdullah, A.R., Mohd Saad, N. and Tee, W., 2019. EMG feature selection and classification using a Pbest-guide binary particle swarm optimization. Computation, 7(1), p.12. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/computation7010012