
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Which of the following are BW objects in BW4Hana?

  • Infoobjects
  • Infocube
  • Composite Providers
  • ADSO

Customer segmentation can be performed with different approaches:

  • Value
  • Lifestyle
  • Loyalty
  • Market Price sensitivity Targeting

Please, tick the correct statement(s) on the organizational impact of IT innovation.

  • IT innovation decreases management complexity.
  • IT innovation increases management complexity.
  • IT innovation increases organizational efficiency and effectiveness
  • IT innovation increases organizational effectiveness only. IT innovation increases individual specialization. IT innovation decreases individual specialization Y - IT innovation is associated with both scale and scope economies. Y - IT innovation is associated with lower managerial complexity (i.e it is simples management). Y - IT innovation decreases the formalization and bureaucratization of work. IT innovation decrease the efficiency of the market systems in favor of hierarchical coordination.

Please, tick correct statements on ERPs.

  • ERPs can be tailored to a company's specific processes without coding..
  • They integrate all three portfolios, administrative, operational and executive.
  • ERPs are software packages that can be easily personalized through parametrization.
  • They have transformed the approach to computerization from coding to purchasing a package + consulting services.
  • ERPs complete integration of operational and executive with the administrative portfolio.
  • ERPs apply the principle of process prescriptiveness.
  • ERPs can be customized only through coding.
  • ERPs may or may not be parametrized, depending on organizational requirements.
  • ERP are comprehensive and typically address all cross-industry needs.
  • There exist niche players focused on industry-specific functionalities.
  • System integrators can combine sofware from different suppliers.
  • No single ERP provider can offer all functionalities for all industries ERPs represent a global phenomenon.
  • ERPs replace part of the administrative portfolio with a new module called ABC
  • ABC is a module of ERPs integrating administrative and operational information on costs
  • EP includes Activity Based Costing (ABC)
  • ABC can be defined as a module of ERPs providing strategic cost KPIs

Which are the main sections (modules) of 1C:Drive/Azienda programs (select just one)?

  • Sales, Purchase, Quality, Service, Research, Payroll
  • Accountancy, Sales, Purchase, Service, Production, Marketing
  • CRM, Sales, Purchase, Warehouse, Production, Service, Payroll
  • CRM, Sales, Purchase, Quality, Service, Budgeting, Payroll

Please, tick correct statements on the horizontal and vertical integration of the IT portfolio.

  • Horizontal integration is called "horizontal" as it is orthogonal to hierarchical processes.
  • Vertical integration is the integration between the administrative and executive portfolios.
  • Horizontal integration is the integration of systems along primary and support processes.
  • Horizontal integration is the integration of systems along operating processes.
  • Vertical integration is the integration between the operational portfolio and the executive portfolio.

Please, tick correct statement(s) on the EDWH (Enterprise DataWareHouse).

  • Allow to integrate and model data from different sources to perform business analytics
  • The structure of an EDWH is typically set on one level, the datamart.
  • The structure of an EDWH is typically set to more levels, with a partial replication of the information between one level and the next.
  • The staging layer is where data are imported at first, in both staging and datamart layer the structure definition is driven by analysis requirements.
  • The staging layer is where data are imported at first, in both staging and datamart layer the structure definition is driven by source structures
  • The staging layer is where data are imported at first, in the datamart layer the structure definition is driven by analysis requirements.

Why is knowledge management complex?

  • Because unstructured knowledge must be transformed into structured information to be stored in the mainframe.
  • Because it involves the extraction of new knowledge on customers from knowledge workers.
  • Because it involves the use of PCs and hence a significantly broader software variety.
  • Because it requires the design of new procedures to use knowledge to innovate (products&services, processes...).

Which of the following companies can properly manage their business processes using software like

1C:Drive/azienda (thick all the correct ones)?

  • Services company
  • Distribution company
  • Banking company
  • Production company

What are technical components of call centers?

  • IVR
  • Server machines
  • CSR
  • Personal computers of call center operators.

What are the pillars of the ERP paradigm?

  • Parametrization.
  • Incremental deployment
  • Hierarchical coordination
  • Extension and modularity
  • Information integration
  • Infromation quality
  • Process predictivity
  • Process prescriptiveness

Which of the following functionalities are available on standard ERP Software 1C:Drive/azienda (tick all

the correct ones)?

  • Multi-languages
  • To manage purchases
  • To manage accountancy
  • Demand planning
  • To get useful reports regarding your business
  • Communication with instant messaging app like telegram
  • Communication with telegram and others instant messaging
  • Import/Export of documents in various format
  • Generation and copy of documents
  • Personalization of user interface

What is the development cycle in manufacturing companies?

  • It is the set of activities in charge of designing and industrializing production processes
  • It is the set of activities in charge of designing and industrializing products and production processes
  • It is the same as R&D.
  • It is the set of activities in charge of designing and industrializing products.

Please, tick the correct definition of information intensity.

  • Information intensity is the degree to which a company’s management considers IT as a strategic lever.
  • Information intensity represents the size and complexity of the information used by the processes of an organization.
  • Information intensity is higher in services compared to manufacturing
  • Information intensity is the actual ability of IT to satisfy the information processing requirements of organizational processes. Information intensity is the organizational consequence of environmental uncertainty.

Which of the following test procedures is performed with business users?

  • Software installation test
  • Unit Test
  • User Acceptance Test
  • Integration Test
  • Requirements analysis test

Multi-channel integration in CRM ensures:

  • Cross-channel service consistency.
  • Value extraction from customer data with analytic CRM.
  • Customer understanding and monitoring with executive functionalities.
  • Cross-channel information integration. Discovering insights that are relevant for business management.?????

How is greater complexity of the tasks of sales personnel managed in the BPR initiative of insurance


  • It is managed with a higher degree of delegation.
  • It is managed by changing the incentive system of employees.
  • It is managed by embedding service procedures in desktop applications.
  • It is managed by empowering employees.

What you can do with ERP Software 1C:Drive/Azienda (tick the correct ones)?

  • Manage Bills Of Materials and Production Order
  • Manage the company blog
  • Calculating the profit of a Client order
  • Manage orders from Client calculating the profit
  • Comparing Supplier offers
  • To manage directly a web-commerce site
  • Manage supply of goods
  • Manage supply of goods comparing offer from various Supplier
  • Manage orders from Client

Select (just one) the most correct definition of a software like 1C:Drive/Azienda?

  • It is a database system that store all accountancy info of any company in cloud
  • It is a Business Intelligence software designed to create flexible report
  • It is an ERP software that manage all accountancy process of a company using fixed predefined rules according standards
  • It is a flexible ERP software that allows you to manage a Small Medium Enterprise regarding its business and accounting processes.
  • It is a system that define strictly rules for managing your company
  • It is a CRM software that allows you to manage customers and sales
  • It is a report system that allows you to create and control sales and purchase orders
  • It is a personalizable and customizable ERP software that allows you to manage documents and main business processes and accountancy of a Small Medium Enterprises.

MRP (Materials requirements planning) is:

  • A software.
  • A supply management chain.
  • A module of the executive portfolio.
  • A module of the operational portfolio in manufacturing.

Please, tick the correct definition of transaction information.

  • Transaction information describes the flow of operational activities in terms of exchanges between responsibilities (or organizational units) and between internal responsibilities and external players.
  • Transaction information describes the flow of decision-making activities in terms of exchanges between responsibilities (or organizational units) and between internal responsibilities and external players.
  • Transaction information describes the flow of executive activities in terms of exchanges between responsibilities (or organizational units) and between internal responsibilities and external players.
  • Transaction information describes the flow of management activities in terms of exchanges between responsibilities (or organizational units) and between internal responsibilities and external players.

How does transaction economics overcome the limits of decision theory?

  • By considering behavioural uncertainty in addition to environmental uncertainty.
  • By considering organizations as open systems.
  • By recognizing the limitations of hierarchical systems.
  • By considering market coordination in addition to hierarchical coordination.

Please indicate reason(s) why organizational units are characterized by information interdependencies.

  • Because by definition of bounded rationality, no single individual can process all the information required by an organization.
  • Because information independence is not a viable criterion for the creation of specialized organizational units (functional specialization is instead a viable criterion).
  • Because organizations can be seen as networks of contracts.
  • Because decision-making always involves multiple units.

Please tick limitation(s) of transaction economics.

  • They consider markets and hierarchies as alternative coordination mechanisms
  • They ignore the impact of behavioural uncertainty inside organizations
  • They ignore the impact of environmental uncertainty inside organizations
  • They consider markets as the main coordination mechanism

Different production cycles share information, e.g.:

  • Information on stocks is created by the materials management and used by order management during sale activities
  • Information on stocks is created by the materials management and used by production
  • Information on orders is created during sales activities and used by production
  • Information on orders is created during sales activities and used by internal logistic

What is a KPI?

  • It is stored in the DWH.
  • It is aggregate information providing a summary evaluation of a set of production activities or performance parameters.
  • It represents an organizational asset.
  • It is a piece of executive information.

How does agency theory view organizations?

  • Agency theory uses the resource based view of organizations to model information.
  • Agency theory considers organizations as a network of contracts with external players and among internal units and individuals.
  • Agency theory considers organizations as a network of contracts with external players (i.e. customers and suppliers).
  • Agency theory views organizations as a network of contract.

Which of the following statement(s) are true, when choosing between agile and waterfall methodology

for project management?

  • With low complexity and low uncertainty, both methods can lead to a good result.
  • With low complexity and high uncertainty, waterfall is a better choice.
  • With low complexity and high uncertainty, agile is a better choice.
  • With low complexity and low uncertainty, both methods can lead to a good result, but waterfall is better to manage change requests during the project.

What is the relationship between environmental uncertainty and information processing


  • Environmental uncertainty does not necessarily correspond to an increase of information processing capacity, as it can be managed with slack resources.
  • Environmental uncertainty increases the requirements for information processing capacity,
  • Environmental uncertainty can be managed by increasing an organization's ability to process information (or information processing capacity) up to the limits imposed by bounded rationality..
  • Environmental uncertainty causes a decrease in organizational information processing capacity. Environmental uncertainty causes an increase in organizational information processing capacity. Environmental uncertainty increases the requirements for information processing capacity up to the limits of bounded rationality.

Which of the following is(are) a false statement(s) about Cloud Computing?

  • Cloud computing allows mobile access to corporate data via smartphones
  • Cloud computing does not allow for technical scalability
  • Efficiency is a key advantage of Cloud computing as you don't have to invest in hardware and maintenance.
  • Cloud computing does not offers advanced security feature

Among the following, select (tick) the correct statement(s) on ERP software 1C:Drive

  • It can be installed only on premises, not allowed cloud access
  • Any user can use different language interface depending on settings
  • It is a software that allows to manage both accountancy and company business processes
  • It supports multiple languages interface, multiple currencies and multiple companies
  • It cannot be personalized
  • It should be connected to a Business Intelligence system to get reports
  • It can be used only in Cloud.
  • It can be used both on premises and in cloud

Which of the following sections are includes in ERP software 1C:Drive (select all the correct ones)

  • Project Management
  • Production
  • Warehouse
  • Quality

Which of the following functionalities are available on standard ERP Software

  • To import, export and send documents using also E-mail system
  • To create specific procedure according customer's needs
  • To modify user interface
  • Generation and copy of documents
  • Comparing of prices of differents suppliers regarding various products
  • Managing of the whole sales process including quotation and final accountancy
  • Purchase of raw material according Bill of Materials

Which of the following are Business Intelligence purposes?

  • Transform raw data into meaningful and useful information
  • Allow document registration in the Enterprise Resource Planning software of a company
  • Allow to integrate and model data from different sources to perform business analytics
  • Reorganize business processes of a company

What is (are) the purpose(s) of an ETL procedure?

  • Allow to register documents of different business areas in a single database
  • Extract data from a source, perform data modeling and upload data in a target structure
  • Allow analytics on different data sources simultaneously
  • Extract data from a system to import them in a different one

Which of the following are project phases in a waterfall approach, and with which goal?

  • RequirementsAnalysis,todesigntheBusinessBlueprintDocument
  • Integration test, to design the Business Blueprint Document
  • Unit Test, for Business Users to validate the solution
  • User Acceptance test,for Business Users to validate the solution

SAP ECC is the ERP of SAP, which of the following are modules of SAP ECC, and to which business area

are related?

  • SD: containing information about stock and distribution of materials
  • FI: contanining financial documents of the company
  • SD: containing information about sales and distribution
  • PP: containing information for production planning

The structure of a data warehouse is typically set to more levels, with a partial replication of the

information between one level and the next. Which is the typical one?

  • First level or Staging Area; Second Level or Data Warehouse
  • First level or Staging Area; Second Level or Data Mart
  • First level or Staging Area; Second Level or Reporting Layer
  • First level or Staging Area; Second Level or Data Warehouse; Third Level or Data Mart

Please, tick consolidated belief(s) tieing technical innovation with organizational change for non-IT


  • Technical innovation increases organizational efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Technical innovation enables scale economies
  • There exists an organizational optimum, optimal process obtained through optimal synchronization of individual tasks.
  • Technical innovation does not enable scope economies.
  • Technical innovation increases individual specialization.
  • Technical innovation simplifies management.
  • Technical innovation enables scope economies.
  • Technical innovation increases bureaucracy, but does not affect the formalization of work.

What is bounded rationality?

  • Bouded rationality represents the limited information processing capacity (IPC) of individuals.
  • Bounded rationality is the reason why individuals cooperate.
  • Bounded rationality is the ability of individuals to cooperate.
  • According to Galbraith, bounded rationality is the rational limit of both human and artificial intelligence.
  • Bounded rationality is a coordination mechanism.

What are characteristic(s) of market systems?

  • They reduce behavioural uncertainty by leveraging opportunism.
  • In market systems coordination costs are low, as individual tend to be very efficient.
  • Market coordination involves the excution of transactions.
  • Markets replace hierarchies, since markets have lower production costs.

What is a vertical solution of an ERP?

  • A vertical solution of an ERP is a version of that ERP tailored to the needs of a specific industry.
  • A vertical solution of an ERP is an ERP designed around the concept of vertical information systems.
  • A vertical solution of an ERP is an ERP designed for manufacturing or for service companies.
  • Vertical solutions are usually fine grained. For example, the textile industry and the fashion industry have different solutions.

Please, tick typical functionalities of the administrative portfolio.

  • Accounting and tax payments
  • Finance
  • Human resources
  • Project managment
  • Executive reporting 1 - Production planning functionalities. 2 - Accounting functionalities. X 3 - Human resource management functionalities. X 4 - The payment functionalities.

Please, tick correct examples of different production cycles sharing information in manufacturing:

  • Information on stocks is created by the materials management and used by order management during sale activities
  • Information on stocks is created by the materials management and used by production
  • Information on orders is created during sales activities and used by R&D
  • Information on orders is created during sales activities and used by production
  • Information on orders is created during sales activities and used by internal logistic

Please, tick correct difference(s) between services and manufacturing:

  • Manufacturing companies produce tangible products, service companies produce intangible products
  • Services are made of “bits”, while manufacturing products are made of atoms
  • In manufacturing companies, IT is a production technology, while in services, IT is simultaneously a production technology and a distribution channel
  • Unlike services, manufacturing products are produced while they are delivered

What are enabling technologies of the horizontal and vertical IT integration in service companies?

  • PCs
  • Client-server architectures
  • The Web
  • Automation
  • MRP

The knowledge management process requires:

  • The extraction of new knowledge on customers from knowledge workers
  • The transformation of this knowledge into structured information to be stored in the mainframe
  • The design of new procedures to use this knowledge to obtain greater production efficiency
  • A learnig process

What are typical dimension(s) of an indicator in an executive information system?

  • Stocks
  • People
  • Managers
  • Customers
  • Processes

What is a CSF?

  • CSF stands for critical success factor
  • A critical success factor is a business decision variable critical for the success of the whole company, i.e. a must for success (necessary condition)
  • A CSF is a key performance indicator
  • A CSF is a set of key performance indicators What is the purpose of the Critical Success Factor (CSF) method?
  • The CF method supports business process reengineering in service companies.
  • The CF method supports the elicitation of information requirements enabling the design of the operational DB
  • The CF method supports the elicitation of the information requirements of top managers, as a fundamental input to the requirements analysis of the Excutive Information System
  • The CF method supports requirements analysis for the integration of the administrative portfolio with the operational and executive portfolios.

What are phase(s) of the CSF method?

  • Predefinition: desk analysis
  • Interview with knowledge workers
  • Robustness analysis: aimed at selecting KPIs
  • Refinement and documentation: presentation to customer, possibile modifications, specification (written, but informal)

Please tick correct statement(s) on ERPs.

  • ERPs complete integration of operational and executive with the administrative portfolio.
  • ERPs apply the principle of process prescriptiveness.
  • ERPs can be customized only through coding.
  • ERPs may or may not be parametrized, depending on organizational requirements.

ERPs represent the last step of an integration process, since:

  • ERPs complete integration of operational and executive with the administrative portfolio
  • ERPs do not enable a real-time reconciliation of budgets, resource consumption, progress of operations and cashflows
  • ERPs complete integration of operational and executive portfolios
  • ERPs complete integration of operational and administrative portfolios

Please, tick statement(s) that correctly apply to Activity Based Costing (ABC).

  • According to ABC,operations are associated with costs
  • According to ABC,operations can be associated with an internal pricing system
  • ABC enables the assessment of progress from a project management perspective (time, quality)
  • With ABC, progress cannot be reconciled with administrative cash flows

Please, tick correct example(s) of transaction information in manufacturing.

  • Status of production activities
  • Certification of competences.
  • Transfers of materials and half-finished goods between responsibilities.
  • Contracts with customers and suppliers
  • Horizontal career transfers of people from a unit to another unit.

What is operational CRM?

  • Operational CM is the module of RM supporting the analysis of marketing data.
  • Operational CRM refers to the modules of CRM supporting different distribution channels.
  • Operational CRM is the module of CM managing the operational DB.
  • Operational CRM does not exist.

Can hierarchical control occur inside market system?

  • No.
  • Yes, when customers can control their suppliers to some extent.
  • In perfect market systems, no.
  • In perfect market systems, yes.

Why is information loaded in a datawarehouse for analytical purposes?

  • To overcome technical performance issues by reducing data access latency.
  • To prevent access to the operational database.
  • To overcome organizational barriers to data sharing.
  • To enable interactive approaches to data analysis (quasi real-time).

Please, tick correct answer(s) on the concept of "information system."

  • An information system is a technology.
  • An information system is a set of coordinated processes producing an information output and executing information processing activities.
  • An information system can be supported by a technical system.
  • An information system is a technical system

According to agency theory...

  • There exist transaction costs inside organizations.
  • [] Coordination inside organizations can be based only on command and control.
  • Organizations are seen as networks of contracts among individuals
  • Agency costs emerge every time a decision-making task is inefficient. Coordination inside organizations can be aided by delegating control

What are typical objective(s) of sales force automation?

  • Reduce bureacracy for customers and increase responsiveness during the sales process.
  • Reduce the costs of customer acquisition.
  • Increase customer retention.
  • Increase customer churn.
  • Reduce the risk associated with the fact that sales employees can change job or retire.

The main functional areas of the IT portfolio in manufacturing and service companies are (What are the

main functional areas of core ERP?):

  • Executive
  • Operational
  • Core
  • Institutional
  • Extended
  • Administrative

Why are ERPs modular?

  • To enable incremental deployment within client companies.
  • To enable ABC.
  • To enable knowledge management.
  • To enable extensibility.

What are the inter-functional information processes in service companies?

  • Knowledge management
  • Order management.
  • Materials management.
  • Operations management.

Among the following, select (tick) the correct definition(s) of inter-functional processes in a

manufacturing company.

  • [] The interfunctional processes in a manufacturing company are the sales and the production cycles.
  • The interfunctional processes in a manufacturing company are the marketing and the production cycles.
  • The interfunctional processes in a manufacturing company are the development and the production cycles.
  • The interfunctional processes in a manufacturing company are processes related to the management of exceptions. The interfunctional processes in a manufacturing company are sets of activities that take production resources as an input and produce an output that is relevant to the customer.

What is the relationship between ERPs and ABC (activity based costing)?

  • ERPs enable ABC.
  • ABC is a module of CRM.
  • ABC is a module of the operational portfolio of ERPS.
  • ABC is a module of the administrative portfolio of ERPs.

Are PCs an automation technolgy?

  • No, as they are not used in a production line, unlike robots.
  • No, as they support rather than replace knowledge work.
  • [] No
  • Yes
  • Yes, in manufacturing
  • Yes, in services
  • Yes, as in services they play the role played by robots in manufacturing
  • Yes, as information technology is mainly an automation technology.
  • Partly, as they support rather than replace knowledge work.
  • Partly, as in services they play the role played by robots in manufacturing and indeed they automate some activities (e.g. preparing a document using a template instead of retyping a new document every time).

Please, tick typical functional area(s) of executive information systems.

  • Financial performance.
  • Process performance.
  • Market trends.
  • Predictive analytics.

Can strategic control be based on one KPI, namely profits?

  • No
  • Yes, since the goal of companies is to be profitable ("make money")
  • Yes, in mature market
  • Yes, if a company is a startup

A data warehouse is:

  • A database storing aggregate data, tyically for executives.
  • A data schema representing data (but not actually storing them), typically for executives.
  • Any data source that can provide business insights.
  • Any integrated set of data sources (internal of external).
  • A data warehouse is a collection of data that supports decision making process
  • A data warehouse is a subject-oriented, time-variant, nonvolatile collection of data that supports decision making process
  • A data warehouse is a subject-oriented, integrated, time-variant, nonvolatile collection of data that supports decision making process
  • A data warehouse is a integrated, time-variant and nonvolatile collection of data that supports decision making process

What are obstacle(s) to IT integration in service companies?

  • The learning process involved by knowledge management.
  • The breadth of the service industry in terms of sub-industries.
  • The lack of automation technologies.
  • The skill shortage.

PC Applications are:

  • procedural, repetitive
  • Flexible and user-oriented
  • Various (vast range of applications)
  • Usable (user-friendly)

Why is maintenance costly?

  • Because it is often mismanaged
  • A maintenance request is often generic and multiple visits are needed to specify customers’ needs.
  • Because it requires expensive spare parts.
  • Because it is difficult to support with IT. Only companies with a high-quality core ERP can manage maintenance correctly.

Which of the following are documents released during a BI project with waterfall approach?

  • Technical Design document, a document focused on the business requirements
  • Business Blueprint, a document for functional requirement collections
  • Technical Design document, a document focused on the technical solution
  • Business Blueprint, a document for resource planning Among the following, select (tick) the correct statement(s) on ERP software 1C:Drive A It allows Cloud-Access X B It allows to create different users profile to diversify access X C It works only on Windows environment D It has an open source code and can be personalized X Which of the following sections are includes in ERP software 1C:Drive (select all the correct ones) A Payroll X B Services X C Quality D Ticketing Which are is the most correct definition of the software 1C:Drive? A It is an MRP system created to plan the production of a company B It is an ERP software that manages the accountancy process of a company using predefined rules according to standards C It is a personalizable and customizable ERP software that allows Small and Medium Enterprises to manage their business and accounting processes. X D It is a reporting system that allows companies to create and control sales and purchase orders Which type of process can you manage with 1C:Drive (tick correct answers)? A Sales process with orders coming from an E-Commerce site properly connected to 1C:Drive X B Procurement of goods according to international standards and comparing different offers received from suppliers answering a request of quotations X C Controlling production activities in real time D Planning production according to forecasts of sales based on actual sales X Which of the following are phases of a CRISP-DM Process (Cross-Industry Standard Proces s for Data Mining)? A Buiness Understanding X B Data Modeling X C Evaluation X D Application Maintenance What is SAP BW? A SAP Business Warehouse (BW) is the Database, inside the SAP offering, thought for Business Intelligence initiatives B SAP Business Warehouse (BW) is the tool, inside the SAP offering, thought for Business Intelligence initiatives X C SAP Business Warehouse (BW) is the tool, inside the SAP offering, thought for Business IntelligencData Visualization initiatives D SAP Business Warehouse (BW) is the database, inside the SAP offering, thought for Business IntelligencData Visualization initiatives Which of the following is the first phase in a forecasting project? A Post-processing B Data wrangling X C Forecast Execution D Confidence Interval Computing SAP ECC is the ERP of SAP, which of the following are modules of SAP ECC, and to which business area are related? A PP: for purchasing business area B FI: for Financial business area X C SD: for sales and distribution business area X D SD: for purchasing business area What primarily distinguishes ERP software from stand-alone targeted software is: A ERP has a common central database from which the various ERP software modules access information. X B ERP is a modular software system. X C ERP has one only common module. D ERP always has multimple databases, one for each module. Please, tick the correct Tayloristic assumption for non-IT (or traditional) technologies. A There exists an organizational optimum, which is the optimal process (or set of processes) obtained through optimal synchronization of individual tasks. X B There exists an organizational optimum, which is the optimal coordination process of operational tasks. X C There is no organizational optimum, but only local optima contingent to market conditions. D There exists an organizational optimum, which is the optimum strategic management of a company. What new type of delegation is necessary according to agency theory? A Delegation of decision making. X B Delegation of operational tasks. C Delegation of change management. D Delegation of innovation management. Why are organizations seen as networks of contracts among A Because IT has evolved and personal computers are now always connected to a network. individuals according to ageny theory? B Because individuals are naturally good negotiatiors and will always coordinate through contracts. C Because market coordination mechanisms can occur not only within the market system, but also inside organizations. X D Because organizations are open systems and individuals are directly or indirectly part of the contracts that organizations have with external parties. What are drivers of IT intensity according to Porter? A Degree to which information processing activities are structured and, thus, can be easily translated into a computing procedure (predetermined steps and decision tree). X B Volumes, i.e. the amount of information to be processed. X C Frequency with which a given operation is repeated. X D Computational complexity of operations, the simpler, the better. X What are the activities of the logistic cycle in manufacturing? A Prodcurement, production and sales and distribution. X B Procurement, production and post-sale services. C Procurement, production and order management. D Procurement, production and warehousing. Please, tick primary processe(s) according to Porter's value chain for service companies. A Information tecnology. B Marketing and sales. X C Service production. X D Service delivery. X Please, tick correct statement(s) that apply to knowledge management in service companies. A Conceptually, it replaces materials management (which exists only in manufacturing). X B It is key to obtain service customization. X C It handles mostly structured information stored in the operational database. D It acquires its input information from service delivery. What are enabing technologies of business process reengineering in service companies? A PCs and client-server architectures. X B PCs only. C Client-server architectures only. D PCs and client-server architectures integrated into a unified Web information system. What is a correct definition of KPI? A Aggregate information providing a summary evaluation of a set of production activities or performance parameters. X B Indicators that have a value defined by different dimensions. X C Critical success factors. D Indicators that have a value defined by time, customer, product, and organizational unit. Why is operational information transformed before it is loaded in a data warehouse of an executive information system? A To reduce information size and make queries, reporting and analytics faster. X B To aggregate external and internal information. C To integrate external and internal information. D To prepare reports for different management layers. How is information storage managed in executive information systems? (tick correct statements) A Information load is periodical. X B Information load is very frequent. C Information is transformed and then loaded in the data warehouse. X D Information is loded into data marts that are then integrated into the final data warehouse. What are core ERP modules? A Administrative portfolio. X B Operational portfolio. X C Customer relationship management. D Executive portfolio. X Are ERPs off-the-shelf packages? A YES B NO C They are ALMOST off the shelf, as they need parametrization before they can be used. X D They are ALMOST off the shelf, as they usually require some coding before they can be used. What is the impact of modifying and ERP with coding? A Costs are higher, since changes are not limited to parametrization. X B Process errors are more likely, as ERPs are tighly integrated and consequences of code changes are difficult to test before deployment. X C Organizational change is greater to match the changes caused by coding. D Process change is greater to match the changes caused by coding. Tick examples of hierarchical control occurring inside a market system? An electronic market intermediated by a leading IT company, such as Amazon marketplace. A leading company in a production district intermediating the relationship with customers for several suppliers belonging to that same district. A buyer controlling a contract provided by a supplier. A supplier controlling a contract provided by a buyer Among the following, select (tick) the correct statement(s) about a modern ERP software like 1C:Drive/Azienda Any user can use different language interface depending on settings It is a software that allows to manage both accountancy and company business processes It can be installed only on premises, not allowed cloud access It can be used only in Cloud How is greater complexity of the tasks of sales personnel managed in the BPR initiative of insurance companies? It is managed by changing the incentive system of employees. It is managed by empowering employees. It is managed with a higher degree of delegation. It is managed by embedding service procedures in desktop applications. What is executive information? It is a set of KPIs. It represents an organizational asset. It is stored in the DWH. It is aggregate information providing a summary evaluation of a set of production activities or performance parameters. What are the activities constituting the logistic cycle in manufacturing companies? Acquisition and physical management of materials, physical transformation of materials, order management, external logistics, post sale processes. Procurement, production, sales and distribution. Procurement, production, logistics. Procurement, physical transformation of materials, order management. How does agency theory overcome the limits of transaction economics? By recognizing that there exist market coordination mechanisms inside organizations. By recognizing that hierarchies can fail and can be replaced by market systems. By studying employment contracts as a special-purpose transaction. By recognizing that there exists a continuum between markets and hierarchies. What can you do with ERP Software 1C:Drive (tick correct answers)? To plan and forecast the supply of goods To register payments To control the situation of sales Order To administrate the frontend of an E-Commerce site To manage directly a web-commerce site Design a website Manage supply of goods Manage orders from Client Manage Bills Of Materials and Production Order manage purchases manage accountancy get useful reports regarding your business Please, tick correct statement(s) that apply to catalog information. Catalog information stores a basic knowledge that is independent of the flow of production actitivities. The product structure is a type of catalog information. Catalog information changes frequently. Catalog information has a simpler schema compared to transaction information. Y - Catalog information does not change frequently over time. Y - Catalog information is the class of operational information with the greatest number of attributes. Catalog information is the class of operational information that is larger in size. Catalog information never changes over time. Among the following, select (tick) the correct statement(s) on ERP software 1C:Drive A It cannot be personalized B It is a software that manage both accountancy and business processes X C It should be connected to a Business Intelligence system to get reports D It can be used both on premises and in cloud X Which of the following sections are includes in ERP software 1C:Drive (select all the correct ones) A Project Management B Production X C Warehouse X D Quality Which are is the most correct definition of the software 1C:Drive (select only one)? A It is a Business Intelligence software designed to create flexible report B It is a flexible ERP software that allows you to manage a Small Medium Enterprise regarding its business and accounting processes. X C It is a CRM software that allows you to manage customers and sales D It is a system that define strictly rules for managing your company What you can do with ERP Software 1C:Drive (tick the correct ones)? A To manage purchases X B To manage accountancy X C To draw flow chart and to prepare ISO 9000 certifications D To get useful reports regarding your business X Which type of process you can manage with 1C:Drive (tick all the correct ones)? A Comparing of prices of differents suppliers regarding various products X B Managing and planning of WBS C Managing of the whole sales process including quotation and final accountancy X D Purchase of raw material according Bill of Materials X Which of the following are correct, according to the best practise in a datawarehouse definition A In the staging layer, the structure definition is driven by the source system X B In the staging layer, the structure definition is driven by the destination system C In the data mart, the structure definition is driven by the source system D In the data mart, the structure definition is driven by analysis requirements X In a company with three BW envirorment (development, quality and production), what is the purpose of the quality envirorment? A Objects are trasported to the quality envirorment after the release in the production one. The purpose is to have a double check on the output and to perform adjustments and test in the quality envirorment. B Objects are trasported to the quality envirorment before the release in the production one. The purpose is to test the release and the objects before transporting in the production envirorment. X C The quality envirorment is used to create new structures and upload more consistent data than in the development envirorment D The quality envirorment is never used What is a Business Blueprint? A It's a document where staffing and resource planning are defined. B It's a document where Business requirements are collected and an high level solution is defined. X C It's a training document for the IT users. D It's a training document for the Business users. Whis of the following testing procedure are performed by business users A Unit Test B Integration Test C User Acceptance Test X D Data Integration In the Production Business Case, which of the following ECC Modules where used and why? A MM, to extract information about materials and warehouse movements X B PP, to extract information about materials and warehouse movements C PP, to extract information about the production orders X D MM, to extract information about the production orders Please tick statements that represent consolidated beliefs tieing (non-IT) technical innovation with organizational change. A Technical innovation enables scale economies X B There exists an organizational optimum, optimal process obtained through optimal synchronization of individual tasks. X C Technical innovation enables scope economies. D Technical innovation simplifies management. Please indicate reason(s) why organizational units are characterized by information interdependencies. A Because by definition of bounded rationality, no single individual can process all the information required by an organization. X B Because information independence is not a viable criterion for the creation of specialized organizational units (functional specialization is instead a viable criterion). X C Because organizations can be seen as networks of contracts. D Because decision-making always involves multiple units. Please tick limitation(s) of transaction economics. A They consider markets and hierarchies as alternative coordination mechanisms X B They ignore the impact of behavioural uncertainty inside organizations X C They ignore the impact of environmental uncertainty inside organizations D They consider markets as the main coordination mechanism Different production cycles share information, e.g.: A Information on stocks is created by the materials management and used by order management during sale activities X B Information on stocks is created by the materials management and used by production X C Information on orders is created during sales activities and used by production X D Information on orders is created during sales activities and used by internal logistic X Please, tick the correct definition of transaction information. A Transaction information describes the flow of operational activities in terms of exchanges between responsibilities (or organizational units) and between internal responsibilities and external players. X B Transaction information describes the flow of decision-making activities in terms of exchanges between responsibilities (or organizational units) and between internal responsibilities and external players. C Transaction information describes the flow of executive activities in terms of exchanges between responsibilities (or organizational units) and between internal responsibilities and external players. D Transaction information describes the flow of management activities in terms of exchanges between responsibilities (or organizational units) and between internal responsibilities and external players. MRP (Materials requirements planning) is: A A software. X B A supply management chain. C A module of the executive portfolio. D A module of the operational portfolio in manufacturing. X Are PCs an automation technology? A YES B NO X C YES, in manufacturing D YES, in services PC applications are: A procedural, repetitive B Flexible and user-oriented X C Various (vast range of applications) X D Usable (user-friendly) X What are obstacle(s) to IT integration in service companies? A The learning process involved by knowledge management. X B The breadth of the service industry in terms of sub-industries. C The lack of automation technologies. D The skill shortage. Please, tick typical functional area(s) of executive information systems. A Financial performance. X B Process performance. X C Market trends. D Predictive analytics. Can strategic control be based on one KPI, namely profits? A No X B Yes, since the goal of companies is to be profitable ("make money") C Yes, in mature market D Yes, if a company is a startup A data warehouse is: A A database storing aggregate data, tyically for executives. X B A data schema representing data (but not actually storing them), typically for executives. C Any data source that can provide business insights. D Any integrated set of data sources (internal of external). What are the main functional areas of core ERP? A Administative X B Institutional C Operational X D Executive X Why are ERPs modular? A To enable incremental deployment within client companies. X B To enable ABC. C To enable knowledge management. D To enable extensibility. Please tick correct statement(s) on ERPs. A ERPs complete integration of operational and executive with the administrative portfolio. X B ERPs apply the principle of process prescriptiveness. X C ERPs can be customized only through coding. D ERPs may or may not be parametrized, depending on organizational requirements. 1.Vertical information systems are based on vertical communication along the organizational hierachy. According to the decision school, information is sent by a unit in the hieracy to its upper level when:
  • when there is an exception caused by behavioural uncertainty
  • when the lower unit does not have all information needed to make a decision on how to deal with the organization
  • When there is an exception caused by environmental uncertainty
  • when the exception is beyond the limits of individual bounded rationality 6.Among the following select correct example(s) of catalog information:
  • supplier directory
  • services
  • orders
  • product catalog 7.Which of the following groups are composed by I/O KPIs?
  • revenues
  • revenues, customer satisfaction
  • revenues, margins, customer satisfaction
  • customer satisfaction 8.According to the decision school, bounded rationality is the very cause for the creation of organizations. Can organizations overcome the limits of individual bounded rationality?
  • yes, but only if organizations create an information system
  • yes, but only in condition of high environmental uncertainty
  • yes, but at the expenses of market coordination mechanism
  • no, *** also behavioral uncertainty in addition to environmental uncertainty 9.DSTP has faced maker or buy decision on their IT platform. What are the reasons why they made a make decision?
  • to avoid low-level programming by choosing the most suitable development environment
  • to reduce costs
  • to have more control over their need for hardware resources
  • to be able to use a standard solution and reduce their need to write code 13.Which KPI category includes customer satisfaction?
  • Revenues
  • Quality
  • Service
  • R/D
  1. Which of the following groups are composed by costs KPI? A. Customer satisfaction B. Revenues C. Number of employees D. Employee efficiency (hours at work/available hours)
  2. What is enabling technology(ies) of MRP A. The enabling technologies of MRP are CIM and mini computers. B. The enabling technologies of MRP are PCs C. The enabling technologies of MRP are robots and CIM D. The enabling technologies of MRP is CIM
  3. Among the following, tick the correct statement on middle management control A. Middle management control is a cyclical activity B. Middle management control is responsible for high-level budgeting and reporting C. Middle management control is in charge of the definition of KPI for all managerial activities D. Middle management control is primarily concerned with financial resources
  4. In the SDG pharma knowledge management case, what are the main business needs? A. Have a single point of access to all types of information, both structured and unstructured B. Be able to create links between different information items C. Be able to send key information via email to predefined mailing list D. Have a user experience similar to that of a search engine
  5. According to SDG consulting approach, what is predictive manufacturing. A. It is a new manufacturing paradigm that leverages new smart sources of information to overcomes the limits of traditional BL B. It is a new manufacturing paradigm based on sales predictions and related production plans, supported by MRP C. It is a new manufacturing paradigm based on big data and augmented reality D. It is a new manufacturing paradigm based on real-time analytics applied to make more informed decisions and take the appropriate action in real time
  6. Among the following, select the correct statement describing incentive system A. The performance of a sales agent is maximum if he is paid with fixed salary B. The performance of a sales agent is greater if he is paid with a fixed salary compared to a percentage on sales C. The performance of a sales agent is greater if he can keep all gains above a given threshold compared to a percentage on sales D. The performance of a sales agent is maximum if he is allowed to act as an entrepreneur inside the company by requiring the payment of structure costs, but leaving to employees any additional revenue
  7. Which statement(s) apply to the concept of market transaction? 1 - A market transaction is an exchange executed in four phases: match making, negotiation, execution and post settlement. X 2 - A market transaction is an exchange between two parties that involves no payment. 3 - A market transaction is an exchange between two parties in which a party, called the customer, pays another party, called the supplier, for a good or a service. X 4 - A market transaction is an exchange executed to prevent behavioral uncertainty
  8. From an information syste, perspective, what is(are) the role(s) of PAM’s loyalty card "Per Te"? 1 - The loyalty card "Per Te" enables proximity marketing with WiFi based technologies. 2 - The loyalty card allows PAM to analyze the historical behavior of customers. X 3 - The loyalty card is key to run market segmentation analytics with clustering algorithms such as kmeans. X 4 - The loyalty card allows PAM to identify their customers. X
  9. According to the decision school, organizations should increase their information processing capacity that grows with environmental uncertainty. To increase their information processing capacity, organizations can: 1 - Build horizontal information systems. X 2 - Increase their stock levels. 3 - Shift from functional to divisional structure. 4 - Build vertical information systems. X
  10. According to the decision school, vertical information systems collapse when: 1 - Behavioral uncertainty is too high and managers cannot cope with it in a reasonable time frame. 2 - Environmental uncertainty is too high and raises a number of exceptions that is too high to be handled by top managers in a reasonable time frame. X 3 - Information management is supported by applying market coordination systems inside organizations. 4 - Information processes aren’t well managed.
  11. Among the following, select (tick) the correct definition(s) of transaction information. 1 - Transaction information describes the structure of production processes. 2 - Transaction information describes exchanges with customers and suppliers, as well as between internal organizations units along production processes. X 3 - Transaction information describes production plans. 4 - Transaction information describes only economic transactions with the customers and suppliers.
  12. Among the following, select (tick) the correct statement(s) on CIM 1 - CIM enables the integration of operational information, which, in turn, os a precondition to allow greater information intensity. 2 - CIM has an impact on the effectiveness of operating manufacturing processes. 3 - CIM has impact on the efficiency of operating manufacturing processes. X 4 - CIM represents the technology supporting the horizontal integration of the operational portfolio in a manufacturing company. X
  13. Which are correct instances of SAP’s concept of "business scenario"? 1 - Order-to-cash for products. X 2 - Order-to-cash for services. X 3 - Order-to-warehouse. 4 - Order-to-logistic
  14. What are the effect(s) on individual work caused by Business Process Reengineering (that is the horizontal and vertical integration of the operational portfolio in service company)? 1 - The degree of delegation increases, limited to production activities. 2 - The degree of delegation increases. X 3 - The degree of specialization of individual work decreases, i.e. employees become more generalist. X 4 - The degree of specialization of individual work increases.
  15. What are the typical functional modules of SAP By Design? 1 - Built-in analytics. X 2 - Cloud platform. X 3 - Financial management. X 4 - Mobile access. X
  16. Which of the following operations can be applied in OLAP systems? 1 - Roll-down. 2 - Pivot. X 3 - Roll-up. X Dice Slice 4 - Drill-down. X
  17. Among the following, select (tick) the correct statement(s) on MRP. 1 - MRP enables the integration of catalog information, which, in turn, is a precondition to allow greater information intensity. 2 - MRP represents the technology supporting the horizontal integration of the operational portfolio in a manufacturing company. 3 - MRP has an impact on the effectiveness of operating manufacturing company. X 4 - MRP represents the technology supporting the vertical integration of the operational portfolio in a manufacturing company. X
  18. Among the following, select (tick) the correct statement(s) on MRP. 1 - MRP has an impact on organizational effectiveness since it enables faster and less expensive planning adjustments. X 2 - MRP has impact on organizational efficiency since it enhances workgroup. 3 - MRP has impact on concurrent engineering. 4 - MRP requires concurrent engineering and inside-out production to be implemented in order for companies to experience performance increases as a consequence of MRP. X
  19. What is SAP By Design? 1 - It’s SAP’s programming environment for small businesses. 2 - It’s SAP’s cloud platform. 3 - It’s SAP’s mid-market suite in a box. X 4 - It’s SAP’s big data solution.
  20. Why are PCs enabling technologies of Business Process Reengineering (that is the horizontal and vertical integration of the operational portfolio in service companies)? 1 - PCs are enabling technologies of BPR since they help individual workers overcome the boundaries of their individual rationality and become generalist. X 2 - PCs are enabling technologies of BPR since they help horizontal coordination. 3 - PCs are enabling technologies of BPR since they represent the key technology to collect operating information in the electronic format at the time when it first created (similar to robots in manufacturing). X 4 - PCs are enabling technologies of BPR since they support the knowledge management process. X
  21. What are the correct components of agency costs? 1 - Control costs, communication costs and residual loss. 2 - Control costs, decision costs and opportunity costs. 3 - Decision costs, communication costs and opportunity costs. 4 - Control costs, warranty costs and opportunity costs. X
  22. What are the reason(s) why organizations complement their vertical information systems with horizontal information systems? 1 - Because vertical information systems are suitable only for organizations that don’t have a fully integrated information systems. 2 - Because individuals have bounded rationality and when they represent high-level nodes in a hierarchy they can’t deal with a number of exceptions that is beyond the limits of their individual rationality. X 3 - Because vertical information systems are suitable only for small organizations. 4 - Because environmental uncertainty is too high and raises too many exceptions to be dealt with by means of the vertical information systems. X
  23. Among the following, select (tick) the correct statement(s). 1 - Compared to an insurance company, a bank has higher information intensity. 2 - Banks and insurance companies have approximately the same degree of information intensity. X 3 - Compared to a bank, an insurance company has lower IT intensity. X 4 - Banks and insurance companies have a similar degree of managerial orientation towards IT.
  24. Neiman and Brothers is a small bank with 100 branches in 80 cities and 4 states. The customer support center manages only phone calls. Services offered by the bank are categorized into basic, including banking services, and gold, including trading and loan services. Customers are classified into corporate and retail customers, the latter are further classified into mass, massaffluent, affluent with reference to their assets. Corporate customers are managed by highly experienced operators. The number of available operators might change according to weekdays and time slots, this is a critical information as it might influence the efficiency of the process. Customer satisfaction is assessed by an external company through periodic surveys. The CEO is interested in assessing the performance of the customer support center. Which of the following data warehouse dimensions are relevant in the described scenario? 1 - Operator. X 2 - Branch. 3 - Time. X 4 - Service. X
  25. N of phone calls.
  26. Customer satisfaction
  27. N. of employees (operators)
  28. N. of customers.
  1. Which of the following conceptual models applied to data warehouse systems? a) The snowflake schema is a refinement of a star schema where some dimensional hierarchy is normalized by forming a shape similar to a snowflake. b) The fact constellation schema comprises multiple fact tables and shared dimension tables. c) The star schema is composed by a fact table in the middle connected to a set of dimension tables. d) The galaxy schema comprises multiple fact tables and shared dimension tables.
  2. How do the cost of markets compare with the costs of hierarchies? a) Markets have lower production costs compared on hierarchies. b) Markets have higher coordination costs compared to hierarchies. c) Markets have lower production and coordination costs compared to hierarchies. d) Markets have higher production costs compared to hierarchies.
  3. AIRPASS dimensions: a) Passenger b) Revenues c) Flight Ticket d) Flight
  4. Which of the following groups are composed by quality KPIs? a) Revenues, customer satisfaction. b) Revenues c) Revenues, margins, customer satisfaction d) Customer satisfaction
  5. Why is executive information stored in a data warehouse? a) Because the data warehouse can be supported by modern big data technologies b) Because a data warehouse can be supported by cloud services c) Because the data warehouse replaces the operational database d) Because a data warehouse stores pre-processed information that can be queried in real time
  6. What are the reason(s) why executive information is called ͞indicator͟? a) Executive information is called ͞indicator͟ as it provides strategic indications on critical decisions b) Executive information is called ͞indicator͟ as it provides indications on the financial performance of companies c) Executive information is called ͞indicator͟ as it aggregate information providing indications on a variety of organizational performance objectives, typically by means of KPIs. d) Executive information is called ͞indicator͟ by analogy with finance
  7. What information is store in an operational DB? a) The data describing the status of operational activities. b) The indicators of the executive information systems. c) The data describing the execution of internal transactions. d) The data describing the execution of transactions with customers and suppliers.
  8. Scales economies involve: a) An increase in annual investments in research and development (R&D). b) A reduction of total production costs only above break-even production volumes. c) A reduction of unit production costs. d) A reduction of unit production costs only above break-even production volumes.
  9. What are levels of the executive information according to Anthony’s pyramid? a) Strategic, mngmt control (or executive, or middle mngmt), operational. b) CIM and MRP in manufacturing companies, BPR in service companies. c) Planning, control and continuous adjustment d) Strategic, administrative, operational.
  10. What are the main technical innovations of DSTP? a) De-duplication. b) Optimized contact redistribution. c) Adoption of established technical solution. d) Integration with other IT vendors.
  11. What are the main types of horizontal information systems? a) Liaison roles, task forces, independent organizational units, and matrix structures b) Task forces, teams, warehouses, and matrix structures c) Liaison roles, task forces, teams, and matrix structures. d) Liaison roles, task forces, teams, and market structures
  12. Which are the main OLTP features? a) Stored data are historical data, accuracy is maintained over time b) OLTP systems main function is decision support c) OLTP systems main function is to support day to day operation d) Stored data are guaranteed to be updated
  13. What is the purpose of the preparation phase of the CSF method? a) the purpose of the preparation phase of the CSF method is to prepare for the interview phase, given that the interviewees are executives with a very short time and span of attention b) the purpose of the preparation phase of the CSF is to gather information on the managerial style of the company’s CEO and his/her managerial inclination toward IT c) the purpose of the preparation phase of the CSF is to gather information on the industry, competitive position, and possibly/likely CSFs of the target company d) the purpose of the preparation phase of the CSF is to gather information on the functionalities and usability of the dashboard that is currently in use
  14. Regarding to the SDG roadmap, tick the types of BI that involve a big data architecture.
  1. Real-time analytics
  2. Predictive analytics
  3. Dashboards
  4. Collaborative BI
  1. According to SDG BI roadmap, can different functions/organizational units have a different maturity in their BI? a) No b) Yes c) Yes, but only in companies that have a non-relational data platform d) Yes, but only in the service industry
  2. According to SDG, what are useful KPIs in the dashboard? a) Customer satisfaction b) Company’s competitiveness c) Operations backlog d) Activity Processes
  3. Why is (or is not) CIM an enabling technology od MRP
  1. CIM is an enabling technology of MRP because CIM has an impact on operational efficiency.
  2. CIM is an enabling technology of MRP because CIM has an impact on operational effectiveness
  3. CIM is an enabling technology of MRP because CIM enables the vertical integration of operational information with is required
  4. CIM is an enabling technology of MRP because it enables the availability and integration of operational information which is required
  1. Please, tick the correct statements on the dimension of the indicators
  1. A fundamental dimension is time. Time is defined in terms of extension and granularity.
  2. A fundamental dimension is products, defined as the main industry where the company operates.
  3. A fundamental dimension is clients, defined as the market segment which the indicator refers to.
  4. A fundamental dimension is responsibility, defined as the organizational unit which the indicator refers to.
  1. Tick the correct statements on matrix structures.
  1. In matrix structures, employees refer to multiple managers (more than one) and are tied by hierarchical relationship with each one of them
  2. As an example, in a matrix structure, employees may have a regional manager and a functional manager.
  3. Matrix structures represent totally flat hierarchies where hierarchical relations are replaced by coaching relations
  4. A matrix structure is used only in conditions of high environmental uncertainty due to the complexity of coordinating a matrix with low uncertainty
  1. Please, tick the correct layers of a logical architecture of PAM’s Datawarehouse
  1. Syntactic layer.
  2. Machine learning layer.
  3. Web layer.
  4. Staging layer.
  1. Information is an intangible resource and therefore:
  1. Given that information is self-generating and non-depletable, it can cause vicious circles in non-well managed information process.
  2. Information is depletable
  3. Information is self-generating only if the organization is well managed.
  4. Information is self-generating
  1. What are the main insight that PAM’s customer analytics team can obtain from customer database?
  1. Price sensitivity
  2. Stock levels
  3. Store replenishment decisions
  4. Sales trends
  1. Which of the following dimensions are always consider in a data warehouse?
  1. Customer
  2. Time.
  3. Process step
  4. Product
  1. Among following, select (tick) the correct definition(s) of planning information.
  1. Planning information defines operational production plans, that is the goals of operational activities, the resources that should be used and the responsibilities that are in charge of execution.
  2. Planning information is the information of the executive portfolio
  3. Planning information is the information of the administrative portfolio
  4. Planning information represents high-level strategic decisions on what the company should produce
  1. AIRPASS Spa manages a group of Italian airports with revenues od 200M and 15M passengers. The management process includes boarding and landing operations of passengers and baggage. Departing passengers for international destinations go to the checkin desk to embark baggage and receive the boarding pass, they then go to passport/security check (average queueing time is 30 minutes) and eventually enter the boarding area. Departing passengers for domestic destinations might skip the check-in desk if they don’t need to embark luggage or to receive the boarding pass, in peak hours the average queuing time is 20 minutes. Arriving passengers follow the same process in reverse order. Which of the following data warehouse dimensions are relevant in the described scenario?
  1. Flight ticket.
  2. Passenger
  3. Flight
  4. Airport
  1. How the executives express their information requirements?
  1. By identifying key performance indicators to be calculated based on financial data
  2. By identifying key performance indicators to be calculated based on all operational data
  3. By specifying the schema of operational information that is key to decision making
  4. Select the most appropriate ERP
  1. According to the decision school organizations should have an information processing capacity that grows with uncertainty. What kind of uncertainty are considered by the decision school?
  1. Any type of uncertainty related to the nature of organizational tasks
  2. Only environmental uncertainty
  3. In most cases, environmental uncertainty
  4. Behavioural and environmental uncertainty
  1. DSTP works in the advertising marketing industry. What are typical channels of advertising marketing?
  1. Email
  2. Call centre
  3. SMS
  4. WhatsApp
  1. Among the following, select (tick) the correct statement(s) on CIM a) Robots represent an enabling technology of CIM since without robots control information would be difficult to store in a company’s IS b) Robots represent an enabling technology of CIM since without robots transaction information should be inserted manually in a company’s information system and the cost of data entry is so high that CIM would not be economically convenient c) Robots represent an enabling technology of CIM since without robots the flow of planning and control information would not be seamless d) Robots represent an enabling technology of CIM since without robots catalog infotmation would not be complete
  2. In perfect Market conditions, what is the information system of the market coordination mechanism according to transaction economics? a) Activity based costing and related internal prices. b) The information describing an organization’s production processes. c) The price system. d) The exchange of information occurring between the two parties during negotiation.
  3. Knowledge management is among interfunctional informations flows in service companies. What is (are) the correct definition(s) of knowledge management? a) Knowledge management is an interfunctional information flow that supports the transformation of information collected during service production and distribution into knowledge useful to improve future service production and distribution activities. b) knowledge management is an interfunctional information flow that supports the collection of information on competitors c) Knowledge management is an interfunctional information flow that supports transformation of information collected during sales and marketing into knowledge useful to improve future service production activities d) Knowledge management is an interfunctional information flow that supports the collection of information on customers and suppliers
  4. Please, tick the correct definition(s) of ͞delegation͟ according to agency theory a) Delegation represents an organizational must to make vertical information systems more efficient when enviromental uncertainty is too high. b) Delegation represents a continuous learning process that allows employess to be promoted to higher job position in the hierarchy c) Delegation represents a task with which a responsibility higher in hierarchy enables another responsibility lower in the hierarchy to make decisions on a set of interrelated activities d) Delegation represents a task with which a responsibility higher in hierarchy enables another responsibility lower in the hierarchy to execute a set of production activities
  5. Which KPI category includes revenues= a) I/O b) Resources c) Costs d) Service
  6. Why are market systems based on trust? a) Because the parties in market transactions have long-lasting business relationships b) Because the parties in market transactions have an unconscious trust in the ability of a market system to lead to a good quality-to-price ration through the competition mechanisms c) Because the parties in market transactions have no control on each other’s production processes d) Because it is difficult for a buyer to assess the actual quality of products.
  7. FREX Spa manages a group of Italia airports with revenues of 200M $ and 15M passengers. The management process includes boarding and landing operations of passengers and baggage. Departing passengers for international destinations go to check-in desk to embark baggage and receive the boarding pass, they then go to passport/security check (average queueing time is 30 minutes) and eventually enter the boarding area. Departing passengers for domestic destination might skip the check-in desl if they don’t need to embark luggage or to receive the boarding pass, in peak hours the average queueing time is 20 minutes. Arriving passengers follow the same process in reverse order. Which of the following I/O KPIs are not relevant in the described scenario? a) Passenger b) Baggage c) Flight ticket d) Aircraft
  8. Please, tick the correct definition(s) of ͞delivery͟ according to Porter’s value chain for service companies. a) Delivery is front-office tasks + marketing&sales b) Delivery is front-office tasks + back-office tasks c) Delivery is synonymous of distribution d) Delivery is back-office tasks + service set up
  1. What are the enabling technologies of CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) 1- the enabling technology CIM is MRB (Material requirements Planning) 2- the enabling technologies CIM are Networks and mini Computers 3- the enabling technologies CIM are robots and mini Computers 4- the enabling technologies CIM are Client server mini Computers
  2. Among the following, select (tick) the correct statements on MRP. 1- MRP has an impact on organizational efficiency since it enables better administrative processes. 2- MRP has an impact on organizational effectiveness since it enables faster and less expensive planning adjustments. 3- MRP requires concurrent engineering and inside-out production to be implemented in order for companies to experience performance increases as a consequence of MRP. 4- MRP has an impact on concurrent engineering.
  3. Why is the market system more suitable than hierarchical system to cope with behavioural uncertainty? M 1- Because the coincidence between individual and organizational objectives in a pure market system makes individuals more willing to work and achieve their goals as entrepreneurs. 2- Because in a pure market system individuals produce for themselves and, therefore , their individual objectives coincide with the organization objectives as entrepreneurs. 3- Because in market system individual aren’t subject to hierarchical control 4- Because in market system organization can resort to “buy” solutions in make or buy decision processes
  4. According to transaction economics how are make or buy decisions made? M 1- Based on market prices. If market prices are either too high or too low, they opt for make. 2- Based on their Ability to be competitive and grow in size and accommodate their make needs 3- Based on the inclinations of the top management. 4- Based on cost trad-offs: they opt for a make solution whenever the market is too far from perfect market conditions and price increases too much and is no longer a good indicator of actual quality.
  5. Please, tick the correct statements on Extended ERP? M 1- Extended ERP includes functional areas such as CRM, WFM, WIS SCM 2- Extended ERP is any extension of core ERP towards clients and suppliers 3- Extended ERP is similar to core ERP, but it involves cooperative information systems 4- Extended ERPincludes any non-core functionality that can provide useful control information to the executive information systems (new KPIs, information systems,ect)
  6. What is the purpose of the Critical Success Factor (CFS) Method ? S The CSF Method support the elicitation of the information requirements of top managers, as a fundamental input to the requirements analysis of the executive Information system The CSF Method support requirements analysis for the integration of the administrative portfolio with the operational and executive portfolio The CSF Method support the elicitation of the information requirements enabling the design of the operational DB The CSF Method support the process reengineering in service companies
  7. What makes Cloud Solution more attractive than On-Premise solution , especially for mid-size companies? 1- Initial investment is lower with cloud solutions as you don’t need to purchase H.W and S.W 2- Cloud Solution can be used out-of-the-box, configuration isn’t required. 3- Cloud Solutions are generically expensive, especially in the short term 4- With Cloud Solutions you don’t pay S.W licenses but only the CPU and memory consumed
  8. How would you define strategy? S 1- Strategy represents the industry where the company operates 2- Strategy represents the very high level of organizational control 3- Strategy represents the set of decisions that top managers have to make on what products the company should produce for what markets 4- Strategy represents the collective knowledge of managers that provides the organizational policies for all operational activities
  9. Which of the following is not a standard business scenario for SAP Business By Design A. Order-to-Cash B. Make-to-Stock C. Repair-to-Resell D. Procure-to-Pay
  10. The Procure-to-Pay (Non-Stock) business scenario is usually involving :- 1- Warehouse Manager 2- Sales Manager 3- Strategic Buyer 4- Operational Buyer
  11. Which of the following are the two correct sequences for the Order-to-Cash Business Scenario 1- Sales Opportunity, Sales Order, Customer Delivery, Customer Invoice. 2- Marketing Campaign, Sales Order, Customer Invoice, Customer Delivery. 3- Sales Lead, Sales Order, Sales Quote, Customer Invoice. n 4- Demand Planning, Sales Quote, Customer Return, Sales Order.
  12. Among the following, tick the correct definition of operational information? S 1- Information that is comprised of planning, transaction and catalog information categories. 2- Information that is comprised of planning , transaction and historical information categories 3- Information that is comprised of planning , market and catalog information categories 4- Information that is comprised of planning , decision-making, transaction and catalog information categories
  13. In the literature there is a traditional debate on the impact of technical innovation on organizational change. According to this debate, traditional non-IT technologies have an impact on: 1- Efficiency only. 2- Efficiency, typically through scale economies. 3- Efficiency and effectiveness. 4- Effectiveness only. 3- Efficiency, typically through both scale and scope economies.
  14. How is the value of an indicator (executive information) defined: (Multi) 1- The value of an indicator is an dimensional number, calculated by aggregating low level information according to decision-making needs 2- The value of an indicator represent a statistical measure, typically the mean value of a variable 3- The value of an indicator is a number defined at the intersection of multiple dimensions associated with the indicator 4- An indicator can be seen as a multidimensional hypercube. The value is a number associated with a cell of the hypercube .
  15. What is the main business benefit of running a project Management Business scenario on top of ERP processes . m 1- To simulate duration and cost of complex activities and to keep track of the progress during their execution. 2- To track the execution of single tasks of a customer project and register the achievement of billing milestones so that customers can be invoiced with the right amount of services delivered . 3- To improve the purchases business processes with a better delivering time and less cost 4- To have a common repository where document can be stored and shared among colleagues of different departments 5-- To keep track of actual work of people inside a company, and identify the bottlenecks in ongoing business operation operations.
  16. The processing Supplier Invoice business process enables you as an accountant to : multi 1- Purchase stock material 2- Purchase non-stock material 3- To approve Supplier Invoice created by the other user accountant 4- Enter Invoices, credit memos and down payments
  17. What is the ASN used for ? S 1- To update the forecasted Delivery dates with the latest (still forecasted) information from the supplier, and have more reliable supply plans . 2- To update the customer demand with the latest forecasted of Delivery 3- To track the supplier that has sent the required quantities of raw materials 4- To provide the MRP with updated costumer requirements
  18. What is the purpose of Engineering Change Orders? S 1- to store technical designs of your products with the customer specifications that originated them 2- to request approval of changes to your Bill of Operations so that the engineering Dept. Head is aligned with new manufacturing techniques 3- To keep track of changes to the Bill of Materials so you can manage, compare and approve application of the technical designs. 4- To keep track of changes to the production models so that you can easily revert to original designs
  19. What is the main task of the supply planner ? s 1- Optimize requisitioning and manufacturing to fulfill customer demand within resource load constraints 2- Keep the warehouse full so that the customer orders can always be confirmed 3- Make sure that the manufacturing Dept. isn’t running on low-Stock exceptions 4- Find the best suppliers to provide raw materials and Sub-Components
  20. Which one is the correct definition of agency cost ? M 1- Costs that organizations have to take on to either control or provide monetary monetary incentives to employees to whom they delegate decision making activities. 2- Cost that are due to less than perfect market condition 3- Cost that are due to excessive hierarchal coordination 4- Cost that are due to behavioral uncertainty
  21. Which of the following is a key business benefit of the ATP feature ? m 1- It gives the sales people the possibility to confirm a delivery date to their customers 2- It reserves stock availability when the sales quoted is approved 3- It allows to knows if a sales order can be delivered on time
  22. Which of the following is a often a debated KPI between the sales Mgr, the supply planning Mgr and the CFO? 1- The inventory stock level 2- The customer retrun rate 3- The sales pipline 4- The liquidity ration
  23. Where is the in-memory database technology helping the most, in the execution of ERP business processes? A. Introducing an impressive performance improvement on the User Interface, making the software solution easier to be adopted by end-users. B. Granting a real-time insight into business processes’ analytics that was quite impossible with OLTP systems. C. Enabling predictive analytics inside standard ERP processes, which gives users the possibility to take timely decisions to avoid critical business situations. D. Enhancing the ͞Green Data warehouse Index͟, by reducing the need for traditional data storage, which ultimately consumes more power
  24. Where is the SOA approach most beneficial in a ERP solution? A. Business Objects interaction can be flexibly re-arranged and enhanced to support growing companies’ requirements for integration and changing business process’ best pratices. B. The software can be deployed only with the desired content, therefore redundancy of code is reduced and performance increased. C. Just-in-time deployment of software features enable smarter configuration and reduce the overall implementation time. D. SOA is optimizing the software development cycle by drastically reducing the time-to-market of new software solutions
  25. business scenario 1- Is software independent and typically include System and non-system process steps . 2- Is the source for defining the integration test scenarios which are used to verify the solution readiness to the companys business requirements. 3- Is confined to company’s internal department 4- Detail who is responsible for each process and who should be consulted and informed
  26. How is the finished products’ pricing calculated? 1- From negotiation of sales quotes. 2- Dynamically from the cost of raw materials, cost of used equipment and human resources, cost of inbound and outbound logistics and overhead cost of administration staff. 3- From standard products’ pricelist or customer sales agreements. 4- From the Products’ inventory costs, with a fix increase for margin.
  27. How is the Inventory value calculated? [SINGLE] A. From the purchasing cost of raw materials and the transformation cost of sub-components. B. Calculating what would be the earned value of selling all stock items. C. From applying either FIFO or LIFO stock evaluation techniques. D. Using the Moving Average Stock Inventory Cost.
  28. Which is definitely a pre-requisite to start outbound delivery of the finished products ? S 1- Finished products were made available in the customer outbound logistic area 2- You have confirmed the replenishment task to move your items from the production area 3- All the production orders have been confirmed and tasks excused 4- All the purchases requests have been confirmed
  29. When is a down payment request helpful in the Order-To-Cash scenario? A. When you need to go through expensive purchasing and manufacturing activities before you are able to deliver and invoice customer B. When you want to reduce the upfront investment for purchasing new materials C. When you want to avoid the credit risk at your customers D. When you want to lower the risk of failure of your manufacturing processes
  30. Scale economies involve: m 1- A reduction of unit production costs. 2- A reduction of total production costs only above break-even production volumes. 3- A reduction of unit production costs only above break-even production volumes. 4- A reduction of total production costs. 4- An increase in annual investments in search and development (R&D) 1- Decrease in total production costs. 2- Decrease in unit production costs related to a decrease in individual opportunism 3- Increase in a minimal optimal size of organizations 4- Greater production efficiency upon an initial investment in new technical system
  31. What is the difference between BoM and BoO? 1- BoM is not detailing how to manufacture but only what to manufacture. 2- BoO is always created after the BoM is defined. 3- BoM is always created after the BoO is defined. 4- There is no difference, these are acronyms of the same concept.
  32. The Plant Manager of a Manufacturing Company comes to you with this question :""Why we are always late with our customer deliveries? "" Which of the following is a relevant information you might check into their ERP solution ? " 1- Supplier Delivery Reliability measured over a proper time horizon . 2- Planning parameters aligned with actual performances in procurement and Manufacturing activities. . 3- Average Resources load in Manufacturing dept. 4- Average sales Pipelines compared with the average Manufacturing throuput.
  33. Which are the three correct procedures to replenish your raw materials warehouse with stock items? M 1- Enter a manual planning proposal for the raw materials. 2- Submit a Shopping cart with the ͞to-stock͟ indicator set for the raw material items. 3- Run planning on your finished products in order to trigger a purchase request for the raw materials. 4- Create a Purchase Order with the ͞to-stock͟ indicator set for the raw material items
  34. Your product needs a sales boost and you opt for creating a bundle with the some facny accessories purchased externally. What would you need to adjust in your ERP to plan the new product efficiency? 1- Create new product 2- Update the pricelist 3- Create new BoM and BoO 4- Create new scheduling Agreement
  35. What is the aim of the APIs delivered within the PaaS layer of a Cloud based ERP solution? A. To connect external solutions to the ERP system B. To enable hybrid scenarios with on-promise software C. To allow development of add-on solution, mobile apps and data integrations with cloud and on—premise software components D. To Perform external solutions to the ERP system
  36. Environmental uncertainty is a very high-level and abstract concept, but it has very practical determinate. What are the determinate of Environmental Uncertainty? m 1- The number of diversity (heterogeneity) of customers 2- The number of diversity (heterogeneity) of supplier 3- The level of competence of the organization X 4- The risk associated with the business (industry, country, etc)
  37. which of the following groupsare composed of I/P KPIs? 1.Revenues.
  38. Revenues, margins, customer satisfaction.
  39. Revenues, customer satisfaction
  1. Please, tick the correct statement(s) on core ERP.
  • Core ERP includes (but is not limited to) the executive portfolio.
  • Core ERP is any functionality of a company's information system that belongs either to the operational, or executive, or administrative portfolio.
  • Core ERP is any functionality of a company's information system that is key to the effectiveness of the company.
  • Core ERP is any functionality of a company's information system that is key to the efficiency of the company.
  1. Which are the main OLAP features?
  • Stored data are historical data, accuracy is maintained over time
  • OLAP systems main function is to support day to day operation.
  • OLAP systems main function is decision support.
  • Stored data are guaranteed to be updated.
  1. What are the correct interfunctional information flow(s) in service companies?
  1. Materials management
  2. Knowledge management
  3. Order management
  4. Operations management 1 - Why are vertical information systems subject to failure according to the decision school? M
  • Y - Vertical information system fails because of the bounded rationality of top managers.
  • Y - Vertical information system fails because of increasing market uncertainty and related exceptions.
  • Vertical information system fails due to emergence of horizontal information systems.
  • Vertical information system fails because of growing behavioral uncertainty. 8 - Why are market system based on trust? M
  • Y - Because the parties in market transactions have an unconscious trust in the ability of a market system to lead the price ration through the competition mechanisms.
  • Y - Because it is difficult for a buyer to assess the actual quality of products.
  • Y - Because the parties in market transaction have no control on each other's production processes.
  • Because the parties in market transaction have long-lasting business relationships.
  • Because the parties in market transactions have converging needs and goals. 10 - Why is the market system more suitable than the hierarchical system to cope with behavioural uncertainty? M P
  • Y - Because in a pure market system individuals produce for themselves and, therefore, their individual objectives coincide with their organization objectives as entrepreneurs.
  • Y - Because the coincidence between individual and organizational objectives in a pure market system makes individuals more willing to work and achieve their goals as entrepreneurs.
  • Because in a market system organizations can result to “buy” solutions in a make or buy decision processes.
  • Because in a market system individuals are not subject to hierarchical control.
  • Because in a market system organizations can exchange goods and services whenever they can’t produce them internally. 18 - Among the following, select (tick) the correct statements on MRP. M P
  • Y - MRP requires concurrent engineering and inside out production to be implemented in order for companies to experience performance increases as a consequence of MRP.
  • Y - MRP has an impact on organizational effectiveness since it enables faster and less expensive planning adjustment.
  • MRP has an impact on concurrent engineering.
  • MRP has an impact on organizational efficiency since it enhances groupwork.
  • MRP has an impact on organizational efficiency since it enables better administrative processes. 19 - According to transaction economics how are make or buy decisions made? S
  • Y - Based on cost trade-offs; they opt for a make solution whenever the market is too far from perfect market conditions and price increases too much and is no longer a good indicator of actual quality.
  • Based on market prices. If market prices are either too high or too low, they opt for make.
  • Based on the inclinations of the top management.
  • Based on their ability to be competitive and grow in size to accommodate their “make” needs.
  • Based on their ability to be competitive and grow in size 20 - Among the following, select (tick) the correct statements on CIM. M P
  • Y - Robots represent an enabling technology of CIM since without robots control information would be difficult to store in a company’s IS.
  • Y - Robots represent an enabling technology of CIM since without robots transaction information should be inserted manually in a company’s information system and the cost of data entry is so high that CIM would not be economically convenient.
  • Y - Robots represent an enabling technology of CIM since without robots the flow of planning and control information would not be seamless.
  • Y - CIM represents the technology supporting the horizontal integration of the operational portfolio in a manufacturing company.
  • Y - CIM has an impact on the efficiency of operating manufacturing processes.
  • Y - CIM has an impact on the effectiveness of operating manufacturing processes.
  • Robots represent an enabling technology of CIM since without robots catalog information would not be complete.
  • Robots represent an enabling technology of CIM since without robots production processes would not be effective.
  • CIM enables the integration of operational information, which, in turn, is a precondition to allow greater information intensity. 28 - Vertical information systems are based on vertical communication along the organizational hierarchy. According to the decision school, information is sent by a unit in the hierarchy to its upper level when: M
  • Y - When the lower unit does not have all the information needed to make a decision on how to deal the exception.
  • Y - When the exception is beyond the limits of individual bounded rationality.
  • Y - When there is an exception caused by environmental uncertainty.
  • When there is an exception caused by behavioural uncertainty.
  • When the lower unit receives an order from its upper level. 44 - Environmental uncertainty is a very high-level and abstract concept, but it has very practical determinate. What are the determinate of Environmental Uncertainty? M
  • Y - The number of diversity (heterogeneity) of customers.
  • Y - The number of diversity (heterogeneity) of supplier.
  • Y - The risk associated with the business (industry, country, etc).
  • The level of competence of the organization.
  • The size of the organizations. 47 - What makes Cloud Solution more attractive than On-Premise solution, especially for mid-size companies? S A
  • Y - Initial investment is lower with cloud solutions as you don't need to purchase HW and SW.
  • Cloud Solution can be used out-of-the-box, configuration is not required.
  • Cloud Solutions are generically expensive, especially in the short term.
  • With Cloud Solutions you don't pay SW licenses but only the CPU and memory consumed.
  • Cloud solutions are generally cheaper, especially in the long term. 57 - What is the main business benefit of running a Project Management Business Scenario on top of ERP processes. M A
  • Y - To simulate duration and cost of complex activities and to keep track of the progress during their execution.
  • Y - To track the execution of single tasks of a customer project and register the achievement of billing milestones so that customers can be invoiced with the right amount of services delivered.
  • Y - To keep track of actual work of people inside a company, and identify the bottlenecks in ongoing business operation operations.
  • To improve the purchases business processes with a better delivering time and less cost.
  • To have a common repository where document can be stored and shared among colleagues of different departments.
  • To efficiently collaborate internally across different departments and have a common repository where documents can be stored 68 - Which of the following is a key business benefit of the ATP feature? M
  • Y - It gives the sales people the possibility to confirm a delivery date to their customers.
  • Y - It allows to knows if a sales order can be delivered on time.
  • It warms the warehouse manager if someone is selling products which aren't available.
  • It reserves stock availability when the sales quoted is approved.
  • It automates the planning and load levelling of internal resources.
  • It forecasts product availability considering several sourcing strategies. 77 - What ERP stand for? S A
  • Y - Enterprise Resource Planning, a software solution that manages most, if not all, enterprise business processes. 78 - What are the main benefits of a cloud-based ERP system? M A
  • Y - Provide insight and actionable work to key decision makers in the Company.
  • Y - Run on a multi-tenant architecture that allows sharing physical resources with different customers and therefore forcing collaboration and knowledge-sharing .
  • Provide hardware and network resources at no cost for the Company.
  • Y - Storing business-related data in a secure database in the Cloud. What is (are) the purpose(s) of an ETL procedure?
  • Extract data from a source, perform data modeling and upload data in a target structure
  • Extract data from a system to import them in a different one Please indicate reason(s) why organizational units are characterized by information interdependencies.
  • Because by definition of bounded rationality, no single individual can process all the information required by an organization.
  • Because information independence is not a viable criterion for the creation of specialized organizational units (functional specialization is instead a viable criterion). Different production cycles share information, e.g.:
  • Information on stocks is created by the materials management and used by order management during sale activities
  • Information on stocks is created by the materials management and used by production
  • Information on orders is created during sales activities and used by production
  • Information on orders is created during sales activities and used by internal logistic PC applications are:
  • Flexible and user-oriented
  • Various (vast range of applications)
  • Usable (user-friendly) Please, tick typical functional area(s) of executive information systems.
  • Financial performance.
  • Process performance What are characteristic(s) of market systems?
  • They reduce behavioural uncertainty by leveraging opportunism.
  • Market coordination involves the execution of transactions.
  • In market systems production costs are low, as individual tend to be very efficient Please, tick typical functionalities of the administrative portfolio.
  • Accounting and tax payments
  • Human resources
  • Finance
  • Project management
  • The payment functionalities. Please, tick correct examples of different production cycles sharing information in manufacturing:
  • Information on stocks is created by the materials management and used by order management during sale activities
  • Information on stocks is created by the materials management and used by production
  • Information on orders is created during sales activities and used by internal logistic
  • Information on orders is created during sales activities and used by production What are typical dimension(s) of an indicator in an executive information system?
  • Customers
  • Processes Please, tick correct answer(s) on the concept of "information system."
  • An information system is a set of coordinated processes producing an information output and executing information processing activities.
  • An information system can be supported by a technical system. An information system is the set of coordinated information-processing processes used to organize cooperating organizational units/individuals.
  • An information system is a technology. Are PCs an automation technology?
  • No, as they support rather than replace knowledge work. What is operational CRM?
  • Operational CRM refers to the modules of CRM supporting different distribution channels. Can hierarchical control occur inside market system?
  • In perfect market systems, no.
  • Yes, when customers can control their suppliers to some extent. Please, tick the correct statements on Matrix Structures?
  • As an example, in a matrix structure employees may have a regional manager and functional manager.
  • In matrix structure employees refer to multiple managers (more than one) and are tied by hierarchical relationship with each one of them
  • A matrix structure is used only in conditions of high environmental uncertainty due to the complexity of coordinating a matrix with low uncertainty What is the reasons why executive information is called indicator?
  • Executive information is called indicator as it represents aggregate information providing indications on a variety of organizational performance objectives, typically by means of KPIs. Why are market system based on trust?
  • Because the parties in market transactions have an unconscious trust in the ability of a market system to lead the price ration through the competition mechanisms.
  • Because it is difficult for a buyer to assess the actual quality of products.
  • Because the parties in market transaction have no control on each other's production processes. Scale economies involve:
  • A reduction of unit production costs.
  • A reduction of total production costs only above break-even production volumes.
  • Increase in a minimal optimal size of organizations.
  • Greater production efficiency upon an initial investment in new technical system. Why is the market system more suitable than the hierarchical system to cope with behavioural uncertainty?
  • Because in a pure market system individuals produce for themselves and, therefore, their individual objectives coincide with their organization objectives as entrepreneurs.
  • Because the coincidence between individual and organizational objectives in a pure market system makes individuals more willing to work and achieve their goals as entrepreneurs. What is the purpose of Engineering Change Orders?
  • To keep track of changes to the Bill of Materials so you can manage, compare and approve application of the technical designs. What are important features of the IT architecture of the integrated contact center?
  • It integrates the telephone channel with other channels, typically the Web.
  • Multiple channels can be used simultaneously (e.g. Webchat) The ideal maintenance process of WFM (work force management) has three steps: contact, visit, KM. Is this correct? - Yes. What are enabling technologies of WFM (work force management)?
  • Mobile technologies.
  • Embedded technologies. What are advantage(s) of SFA (sales force automation)?
  • Better governance of the sales force
  • Stronger sales capabilities What are typical KPIs for call center performance monitoring?
  • First call resolution
  • Average call duration
  • Percentage of calls with waiting time lower than x
  1. Bank of Little Island is a small bank with 100 branches in 80 cities and 4 states. The costumer support center manages only phone calls. Services offered by the bank are categorized into basic, including banking services, and gold, including trading and loan services. Costumers are classified into corporate and retail costumers, the latter are further classified into mass, mass-affluent, affluent with reference to their assets. Corporate costumers are managed by higly experienced operators. The number of available operators might change according to weekdays and time slots, this is a critical information as it might influence the efficiency of the process. Costumer statisfaction is assessed by an external company through periodic surveys. The CEO is interested in assessing the performance of the costumer support center. Which of the following concept hierarchies are relevant in the described scenario?
  1. Costumer [corporate, retail]
  2. Service [basis, gold]
  3. Company [internal, external]
  4. Basic service [banking services], Gold service [trading services, loan services]
  1. For which type of Company has been designed 1C:Drive? #
  1. Companies that requires a flexible solution at an affordable price
  2. Insurance and bank sector
  3. Large Enterprises
  4. Small and Medium Enterprises
  1. From an architecture point of view, which of the following are data warehouse models?
  1. Virtual warehouse
  2. Relational database
  3. Data mart
  4. Enterprise warehouse
  1. Neiman & Brothers concept hierarchies:
  1. Customer (retail, corporate)
  2. Service (basic, gold)
  3. Retail (mass, mass affluent, affluent)
  4. Basic (banking services) and Goal (trading, loan services)
  1. Please, tick correct statement(s) on innovation with WIS.
  1. Companies are connected with their retail customers
  2. The Web is a window on a company’s processes (an their quality)
  3. The quality of Web sites and portals cannot be high if companies have not completed the integration of their information processes (common unified data, consistent omni-channel processes)
  4. As omni-channel integration is deployed, the Web becomes the single access point for both customers and internal users
  1. Please, tick the correct answer(s) on the administrative portfolio
  1. It is (almost) industry independent
  2. It is non functionally complex (e.g. the balance sheet)
  3. It is (almost) country independent
  4. It represents the first step of automation (together with office automation), as it involves number crunching
  1. Please tick the correct statement(s) on the price system
  1. Price represents an indicator that measures the efficiency of the market system at reducing environmental uncertainty
  2. Prices are not set by production costs only, but also by the market system
  3. If the market system works properly, price is not too far from production costs and is a good indicator of quality
  4. The price system is the information system of the market coordination mechanism
  1. The process Supplier Invoice business process enables you as an accountant to:
  1. Purchase stock materials
  2. Purchase non-stock materials
  3. To approve Supplier Invoice created by the other user accountant
  4. Enter invoices, credit memos and down payment
  1. What are correct statement(s) on the ERP vision of information integration?
  1. Horizontal data layering (with core functionalities)
  2. Vertical data consistency (from operations to executive dashboards
  3. Horizontal data consistency (with ETL)
  4. Conceptual consistency: one, common, integrated data model
  1. What are the limitations of agency theory?
  1. There exist hierarchical coordination mechanisms inside market transactions
  2. The agency school neglects the uncertainty caused by the nature of the task to be executed
  3. Technical innovation represents a driver of organizational change that, depending on the nature of tasks, can change the cost balance among different coordinating mechanisms
  4. The role of technology is strongly tied to the nature of tasks
  1. What are the phases of an economic transaction for a commodity?
  1. Choice of market system, choice of payment system, payment, post settlement
  2. Choice of shop, choice of product, payment, replacement of good if flawed
  3. Choice of market, choice of good, payment, complaints
  4. Choice of shop, choice of good, payment, replacement of good if flawed
  1. What are typical characteristics of SAP’s concept of “business scenario”?
  1. To cross multiple internal departments
  2. To be industry-independent
  3. To be the source for defining integration test scenarios
  4. To include best practices
  1. What is 1C:Drive?
  1. An ERP system
  2. An algorithm used to calculate the profit of a company
  3. A Database software
  4. It is an application based on 1C:Enterprise platform that allows a company to manage its Business processes
  1. What is 1C:Enterprice Platform?
  1. A programming environment with its own scripting language that allows to run ERP applications
  2. Financial rules used for managing a company
  3. A platform created to easily develop ERP applications
  4. A set of rules used to define the KPIs of a Company
  1. What would you say is an important feature of an operational DB? a) Being free of charge b) Being hosted on a Cloud Environment c) Having enough level of detail to support management planning and control activities. d) Being stored and managed with a non-relational infrastructure
  2. Which are common modules of an ERP systems?
  1. ISO 9001
  2. Accounting
  3. CRM
  4. APM
  1. What are the main advantages of Direct Digital Advertising according to DSTP?
  1. Lower costs.
  2. Effective communication.
  3. Personal communication.
  4. Lower risk of over frequencies
  1. Which are the main benefits of a company that uses an ERP?
  1. Better efficiency in the business processes of the company
  2. The correct registration of all financial documents
  3. The possibility to improve the generation of commercial leads
  4. Reduction of taxes
  1. Which are the main OLAP features
  1. Stored data are summarized and consolidated
  2. OLAP systems main performance metric is query throughput
  3. Sored data comprises primitive, raw data
  4. OLAP systems main performance matric is transaction throughput
  1. Which are the main OLTP features?
  1. Stored data are summarized and consolidated.
  2. OLTP systems main performance metric is query throughput.
  3. Stored data comprises primitive, raw data.
  4. OLTP systems main performance metric is transaction throughput.
  1. Which are the main purposes of an ERP?
  1. To register all financial related operations of a Company
  2. To manage financial company documents
  3. To register double entry operations
  4. To improve sales
  1. Which of the following components are included into a metadata repository?
  1. Datawarehouse schema, views and dimensions
  2. Business metadata
  3. ER schemas of relational data sources
  4. Measure definition functions
  1. Which of the following conceptual models cannot be applied to data warehouse systems?
  1. The star schema is composed by a fact table in the middle connected to a set of dimension tables
  2. None of the others
  3. The fact constellations schema comprises multiple fact tables and shared dimension.tables
  4. The galaxy schema comprises multiple fact tables and shared dimension tables
  1. Which of the following documents are managed by 1C:Drive
  1. Production Order
  2. Good issue
  3. Supplier’s invoice
  4. Quotation
  5. Quality
  6. Sales
  7. Warehouse
  8. Production
  1. Which of the following function categories can be applied to data warehouse measures?
  1. Holistic functions i.e. functions that cannot be computed by applying a distributive function.
  2. Algebraic functions, i.e., functions with M arguments each of which is obtained by applying a distributive function.
  3. None of the others
  4. Distributive functions, i.e.m functions that can be computed in a distributed manner.
  1. Which of the following groups are composed by costs KPIs?
  1. Costs for system maintenance
  2. Customer satisfaction
  3. Lost sales due to discounts
  4. Employee efficiency (hours at work/available hours)
  1. Which professional(s) is(are) in charge of data integration with Talend in PAM? a) Developer b) Data scientist c) Technical analyst d) Data manager.
  2. Which technology(ies) is(are) used in PAM to design the workflow integrating data from different sources? a) Talend. b) PostgreSQL c) R and/or R Studio d) Shiny