ASAP is a package that can quickly analyze and visualize datasets of crystal or molecular structures.
- 11thHeaven
- aalexmmaldonadoUniversity of Pittsburgh
- Aki78
- bskinnRadial R&D
- CharlyEmpereurmot@GMPavanLab
- cpfpengfeiMIT
- delphinasUniversity Of Warwick
- gabegomes
- HaoZeke@Quansight-Labs, @TheochemUI
- HenriqueCSJUFRGS
- hitliaomqJiangsu University of Science and Technology
- jakeyeung
- JaniceLCThe University of Hong Kong
- JianxingHuangXiamen
- jwz360ECUST
- kjappelbaumEPFL
- matthias-rupp
- noncomplete
- Pengu1ne
- permanjorayev
- pschwllrEPFL
- rgarcia87CIIAE
- rociomerChalmers University of Technology
- Ryan-RhysFutureHouse Inc.
- sashaaldrickshr(96, calldataload(sub(calldatasize(), 20))
- seyonechithrananda@doudnalab | @deepchem
- shivupaUniversity of Pittsburgh
- shuaijiang-ustc
- singraber
- smcantabNew York University
- srmnitc@eisenforschung
- streeveORNL
- suan12
- sxie22
- whiteadUniversity of Rochester/FutureHouse
- wiedermOpen Molecular Software Foundation