Memory Game Project

This Matching Game is a Memory Game Project.

Game instructions: After opening the index.html the game and the timer at the top of the game start immediately.

The goal of the game is to find all card pairs that match. Click on the cards to turn them around and see the other side. If two cards do not match, they will be turned around again. If two cards match they stay open. There are three lifes represented by three hearts. After a certain time of moves one looses one life. If all hearts are gone, the game is over and the player lost. With pressing okay the game can be restarted.

When all cards matched before the player lost all hearts, the game is won. An alert window wil display the time needed to finish the game and the lifes (=hearts) left. It is possible to restart the game with the 'replay' button at the right top of the game.

##Code References

  • written in Vanilla Javascript.
  • used Font Awesome