

  1. Clone this repo.
  2. cd to the project.
  3. Execute yarn build to generate the build.


1.Execute yarn run-main to run the code.

Code design

  1. Running this code will generate a json file (named huge-data.json)with 1 million random objects of the structure as given below:
[{"Gender": "Male", "HeightCm": 171, "WeightKg": 96 }, 
{ "Gender": "Male", "HeightCm": 161, "WeightKg": 85 } ]
  1. Each of these objects will be read and further enhanced to contain 3 additional fields as below:
[{"Gender": "Male", "HeightCm": 171, "WeightKg": 96, "BMIKgM":262.7450980392157,"BMICategory":"Very severely obese","HealthRisk":"Very high" },
{ "Gender": "Male", "HeightCm": 161, "WeightKg": 85, "BMIKgM":262.7450980392157,"BMICategory":"Very severely obese","HealthRisk":"Very high" }]
  1. The enahnced JSON file (named enhanced.json) will be processed to print the count of overweight people.