

java and mvn should be installed.


  1. Clone this repo, and cd to the project directory.
  2. Edit the content of src/main/resources/ as per your preference. You may only want to edit the path of the files. There are two file paths of interest:
  • The local file that the individual jobs read and write to. It is given by : property. This file has been used to simulate IO calls during execution of the jobs.
  • The output file that contains the job statistics over a period of time. It is given by : job.tracker.output.path property.


Execute mvn clean;mvn package to build a uber jar.


From the project directory, run the below command: java -classpath ./target/job-processor-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar bharati.binita.job.processor.Main


In another terminal, open the file as referred by the job.tracker.output.path property. It will contain the below sample entries:

time = Sun Jun 06 13:24:42 IST 2021 ;numJobsSubmitted = 29 ;avgProcessingTime = 0.67 ms ;successRate = 15/29 ;failureRate = 0/29
time = Sun Jun 06 13:25:12 IST 2021 ;numJobsSubmitted = 29 ;avgProcessingTime = 0.53 ms ;successRate = 15/29 ;failureRate = 0/29