
An e-commerce web site

Primary LanguageClojureEclipse Public License 2.0EPL-2.0


An e-commerce web site developed using Clojure[Clojure]/ReactJs[ReactJs]/Bootstrap[Bootstrap4]/Lucene[Lucene].


React JSX build

npm should be used to build the React JSX (extension .jsx) files. Once the npm run build generates the desired .js files, those need to be copied into the project's resources/public/js folder.The raw JSX files have been placed under npm-build directory of this project.

Clojure backend build

Leiningen[Leiningen] has been used. Nothing specific needs to be done to build the backend.As part of installation of this project, the backend build will also happen.


cd to the project directory and run lein run. This will compile and start the server process at port 3000.

Screen shots

Please take a look at the projects overview page available @ Project overview


Copyright © 2019 Binita Bharati

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.