
This is a Django2 and Python3 based chatserver project. This makes use of web sockets, and has a simple front end.

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This chat server project makes use of Django channels which is an implementation of web sockets.

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This project comes with a Docker file. This file can be built into a Docker image that will install the entire set up including Python3, Django 2 and any other dependencies.The resultant image also configures the code and starts the required services within the Docker container.

A sample VM that can be spawned with Vagrant is also provided. This VM has a Ubuntu Xenial image; the pre-requisite Docker package gets installed as part of this VM.


  1. To install the base VM :
cd pychat/
vagrant up
  1. If the base VM with Docker is already installed, we need to copy a particular directory structure into the host VM.

Under /vagrant directory of host VM, the following directory structure needs to be present:

├── setup
│   ├── docker
│   │   ├── Dockerfile
│   │
│   ├── target
│   │   └── scripts
│   │       ├── install_chatserver_container.sh
│   │       ├── install_chatserver_main.sh
│   │       ├── install_django2.sh
│   │       ├── install_python3.sh
│   │       ├── install_redis.sh
│   │       ├── install_vm.sh
│   │       └── start_pyserver.sh
│   └
├── src
│   └── chatproject

3.To build the Docker image and run the code:

cd /vagrant
dos2unix setup/target/scripts/install_chatserver_main.sh  setup/target/scripts/install_chatserver_main.sh
chmod +x setup/target/scripts/install_chatserver_main.sh


Copyright © 2019 Binita Bharati
Distributed under the Apache license 2.0.