AIRBNB project

## Background Context

Welcome to the AirBnB clone project!

First step: Write a command interpreter to manage your AirBnB objects.

This is the first step towards building your first full web application: the AirBnB clone. This first step is very important because you will use what you build during this project with all other following projects: HTML/CSS templating, database storage, API, front-end integration..

Each task is linked and will help you to:

  • put in place a parent class (called BaseModel) to take care of the initialization, serialization and deserialization of your future instances
  • create a simple flow of serialization/deserialization: Instance <-> Dictionary <-> JSON string <-> file
  • create all classes used for AirBnB (User, State, City, Place…) that inherit from BaseModel
  • create the first abstracted storage engine of the project: File storage.
  • create all unittests to validate all our classes and storage engine

What's a command interpreter?

Do you remember the Shell? It’s exactly the same but limited to a specific use-case. In our case, we want to be able to manage the objects of our project:

  • Create a new object (ex: a new User or a new Place)
  • Retrieve an object from a file, a database etc.
  • Do operations on objects (count, compute stats, etc...)
  • Update attributes of an object
  • Destroy an object

Learning Objectives

At the end of this project, you are expected to be able to explain to anyone, without the help of Google:


  • How to create a Python package
  • ow to create a command interpreter in Python using the cmd module
  • What is Unit testing and how to implement it in a large project
  • How to serialize and deserialize a Class
  • How to write and read a JSON file
  • How to manage datetime
  • What is an UUID
  • What is *args and how to use it
  • What is **kwargs and how to use i
  • How to handle named arguments in a function


  • ./ to run
  • quit to ext the shell

Console Commands

The HolbertonBnB console supports the following commands:

  • create
    • Usage: create <class>

Creates a new instance of a given class. The class' ID is printed and the instance is saved to the file file.json.

$ ./
(hbnb) create BaseModel
(hbnb) quit
$ cat file.json ; echo ""
{"BaseModel.119be863-6fe5-437e-a180-b9892e8746b8": {"updated_at": "2022
1:30:42.215277", "created_at": "2022:30:42.215277", "__class__": "Base
Model", "id": "119be863-6fe5-437e-a180-b9892e8746b8"}}
  • show
    • Usage: show <class> <id> or <class>.show(<id>)

Prints the string representation of a class instance based on a given id.

$ ./
(hbnb) create User
(hbnb) show User 1e32232d-5a63-4d92-8092-ac3240b29f46
[User] (1e32232d-5a63-4d92-8092-ac3240b29f46) {'id': '1e32232d-5a63-4d92-8092-a
c3240b29f46', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 17, 21, 34, 3, 635828), 
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 17, 21, 34, 3, 635828)}
[User] (1e32232d-5a63-4d92-8092-ac3240b29f46) {'id': '1e32232d-5a63-4d92-8092-a
c3240b29f46', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 17, 21, 34, 3, 635828), 
'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 17, 21, 34, 3, 635828)}
  • destroy
    • Usage: destroy <class> <id> or <class>.destroy(<id>)

Deletes a class instance based on a given id. The storage file file.json is updated accordingly.

$ ./
(hbnb) create State
(hbnb) create Place
(hbnb) destroy State d2d789cd-7427-4920-aaae-88cbcf8bffe2
(hbnb) Place.destroy(03486a3e-8329-4f47-9947-dca80c03d3ed)
(hbnb) quit
$ cat file.json ; echo ""
  • all
    • Usage: all or all <class> or <class>.all()

Prints the string representations of all instances of a given class. If no class name is provided, the command prints all instances of every class.

$ ./
(hbnb) create BaseModel
(hbnb) create BaseModel
(hbnb) create User
(hbnb) create User
(hbnb) all BaseModel
["[BaseModel] (450490fd-344e-47cf-8342-126244c2ba99) {'updated_at': datetime.da
tetime(2019, 2, 17, 21, 45, 5, 963516), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 2
, 17, 21, 45, 5, 963516), 'id': '450490fd-344e-47cf-8342-126244c2ba99'}", "[Bas
eModel] (fce2124c-8537-489b-956e-22da455cbee8) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime
(2019, 2, 17, 21, 43, 56, 899348), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 17,
21, 43, 56, 899348), 'id': 'fce2124c-8537-489b-956e-22da455cbee8'}"]
(hbnb) User.all()
["[User] (8f2d75c8-fb82-48e1-8ae5-2544c909a9fe) {'updated_at': datetime.datetim
e(2019, 2, 17, 21, 44, 44, 428413), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 17
, 21, 44, 44, 428413), 'id': '8f2d75c8-fb82-48e1-8ae5-2544c909a9fe'}", "[User] 
(b742dbc3-f4bf-425e-b1d4-165f52c6ff81) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 2
, 17, 21, 44, 15, 974608), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 17, 21, 44,
15, 974608), 'id': 'b742dbc3-f4bf-425e-b1d4-165f52c6ff81'}"]
(hbnb) all
["[User] (8f2d75c8-fb82-48e1-8ae5-2544c909a9fe) {'updated_at': datetime.datetim
e(2019, 2, 17, 21, 44, 44, 428413), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 2, 17
, 21, 44, 44, 428413), 'id': '8f2d75c8-fb82-48e1-8ae5-2544c909a9fe'}", "[BaseMo
del] (450490fd-344e-47cf-8342-126244c2ba99) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(20
19, 2, 17, 21, 45, 5, 963516), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 17, 21,
45, 5, 963516), 'id': '450490fd-344e-47cf-8342-126244c2ba99'}", "[User] (b742db
c3-f4bf-425e-b1d4-165f52c6ff81) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 2, 17, 2
1, 44, 15, 974608), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 17, 21, 44, 15, 97
4608), 'id': 'b742dbc3-f4bf-425e-b1d4-165f52c6ff81'}", "[BaseModel] (fce2124c-8
537-489b-956e-22da455cbee8) {'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 2, 17, 21, 4
3, 56, 899348), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 17, 21, 43, 56, 899348
), 'id': 'fce2124c-8537-489b-956e-22da455cbee8'}"]
  • count
    • Usage: count <class> or <class>.count()

Retrieves the number of instances of a given class.

$ ./
(hbnb) create Place
(hbnb) create Place
(hbnb) create City
(hbnb) count Place
(hbnb) city.count()
  • update
    • Usage: update <class> <id> <attribute name> "<attribute value>" or <class>.update(<id>, <attribute name>, <attribute value>) or <class>.update( <id>, <attribute dictionary>).

Updates a class instance based on a given id with a given key/value attribute pair or dictionary of attribute pairs. If update is called with a single key/value attribute pair, only "simple" attributes can be updated (ie. not id, created_at, and updated_at). However, any attribute can be updated by providing a dictionary.

$ ./
(hbnb) create User
(hbnb) update User 6f348019-0499-420f-8eec-ef0fdc863c02 first_name "Holberton"
(hbnb) show User 6f348019-0499-420f-8eec-ef0fdc863c02
[User] (6f348019-0499-420f-8eec-ef0fdc863c02) {'created_at': datetime.datetime(
2019, 2, 17, 21, 54, 39, 234382), 'first_name': 'Holberton', 'updated_at': date
time.datetime(2019, 2, 17, 21, 54, 39, 234382), 'id': '6f348019-0499-420f-8eec-
(hbnb) User.update(6f348019-0499-420f-8eec-ef0fdc863c02, address, "98 Mission S
[User] (6f348019-0499-420f-8eec-ef0fdc863c02) {'created_at': datetime.datetime(
2022, 2, 17, 21, 54, 39, 234382), 'address': '98 Mission St', 'first_name': 'Ho
lberton', 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 2, 17, 21, 54, 39, 234382), 'id
': '6f348019-0499-420f-8eec-ef0fdc863c02'}
(hbnb) User.update(6f348019-0499-420f-8eec-ef0fdc863c02, {'email': 'holberton@h', 'last_name': 'School'})
[User] (6f348019-0499-420f-8eec-ef0fdc863c02) {'email': '
m', 'first_name': 'Holberton', 'updated_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 2, 17, 21,
54, 39, 234382), 'address': '98 Mission St', 'last_name': 'School', 'id': '6f34
8019-0499-420f-8eec-ef0fdc863c02', 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2022, 2, 17,
21, 54, 39, 234382)}


  • Eyoel Tekle
  • Bangah Yann