Backend Node.js Express API Documentation

Table of Contents

1.Introduction 2.Prerequisites 3.Getting Started 4.API Endpoints 5.Signup 6.Request and Response Examples 7.Error Handling 8.Technologies Used


This API is designed to provide a signup form for users with password hashing functionality. The passwords are securely hashed before being stored in the database.


Make sure you have the following installed:

1.Node.js 2.npm (Node Package Manager) 3.MongoDB

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone

2.Install dependencies:

cd signup_up_form_backend npm install

  1. Configure MongoDB:

Create a .env file in the root directory. Add your MongoDB connection string:


4.Start the server:

npm run server

  1. Server will be running at http://localhost:5000.

API Endpoints


Method: POST

Endpoint: /signup

Description: Register a new user with a hashed password.

Request Body:

{ "name": "John Doe", "mobileNumber": "1234567890", "email": "", "password": "securepassword", "address": "123 Main Street", "pincode": "54321", "city": "Anytown", "dob": "1990-01-01", "longitude": "12.345678", "latitude": "34.567890", "modeOfDelivery": "Home Delivery" }


HTTP/1.1 201 OK Content-Type: application/json

{ "message": "User registered successfully" }

Error Handling

400 Bad Request: { "error": "Bad Request", "message": "Invalid request body" }

500 Internal Server Error:

{ "error": "Internal Server Error", "message": "An unexpected error occurred" }

Technologies Used

Node.js Express.js MongoDB bcrypt (for password hashing) dotenv (for environment variable configuration)