
A Plugin that gives you the option to upload unlimited images into a category or any other custom taxonomy.

Primary LanguagePHP


A Plugin that gives you the option to upload unlimited images into a category or any other custom taxonomy.

The Categories Multiple Images Plugin allow you to add image unlimited images to category or any other taxonomy.


This plugin is an extended version of Categories Images by Muhammad

The Categories Multiple Images Plugin allow you to add unlimited amount of image to a category or any other taxonomy.

You can use: <?php Categories_Multiple_Images::get_image( term_id, image_number, image_size, use_placeholder );?>

to get the direct image url and put it in any tag in your template.

Also from settings menu you can exclude any taxonomies from the plugin to avoid conflicting with another plugins like WooCommerce!



  1. Put the plugin directory in your plugins directory (Usually /wp-content/plugins/)
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
  3. Place <?php Categories_Multiple_Images::get_image( term_id, image_number, image_size, use_placeholder ); ?> in your templates



  • First release, my first plugin ;-)