
List devices in the network - Student project for Linux

Primary LanguageRuby

My Devices


Install docker-compose

sudo apt update
sudo apt install docker-compose

Create copy of .env.example as .env file in root with rails secret key (random string - can be generated using rake secret)

Build using docker-compose

docker-compose build

Run container

docker-compose up -d

Sending Updates

Just send a POST request to <ip>:3000/updates.json with json content using following format:

  "update": {
    "ip_address": "",
    "mac": "aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff",
    "name": "identifier"

where name is an optional identifier for the device.


Stats can be posted to <ip>:3000/stats.json with json content using following format:

  "stat": {
    "mac": "AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF",
    "disk": {
      "free": "12G",
      "total": "15G"
    "memory": {
      "free": "803M",
      "total": "927M"
    "kernel": "4.14.98-v7+",
    "hostname": "jonas-labrpi",
    "uptime": "1609.05"

All parts except the mac-address are optional. If you add a memory or disk object, you need to specify both free and total properties.

Web interface

The devices are reachable via localhost:3000/devices and the updates via localhost:3000/updates.