
Primary LanguageC++

Advent of Code 20231

Welcome to the repository for solving Advent of Code 2023 challenges! Each day's solution is organized in a separate directory, and this repository uses a Makefile to build the solutions.

Getting Started

To compile and run a specific day's solution, use the following command:

make <day>

Replace <day> with the day number you want to run. For example:

make 1

Directory Structure

Each day's directory is it's own micro environment, with it's own utilities and source files:

The source code for each day's solution is organized in the format day-<day>/src/. The build files are stored, with each build process, in the build/ directory. Getting replaced any time there's a new build.

Example Usage

# Compile and run solution for Day 1
make 1
# Run the program on a specific input file
./main data.txt

Feel free to explore and adapt the Makefile and source code as needed for your Advent of Code journey. Happy coding!


  1. Advent of Code – An annual event of Christmas-oriented programming challenges started December 2015. Every year since then, beginning on the first day of December, a programming puzzle is published every day for twenty-five days. You can solve the puzzle and provide an answer using the language of your choice.