Incomplete Bioschemas profile URL (DDE)
thomasrosnet opened this issue · 1 comments
Some profiles in the DDE JSONLD specs, have the [schema:schemaVersion] property not properly pointing to the corresponding Bioschemas profile webpage.
As follows, DataCatalog and Sample profiles referenced in DDE are invalid (http 404 not found errors):
They should maybe refer to the Bioschemas website profiles:
Is it an error in the DDE jsonld file found at through the schema:schemaVersion property ?
Thanks for identifying this issue, @thomasrosnet . The schemaVersion
is automatically populated in the DDE based on the name of the JSON-LD file in the specifications repository. At the time these two files were made, the dates had been removed due to confusion about the use of dates in the version. Updating the file name should address this issue.