- 3
- 15
- 2
- 4
- 2
properties for LabProtocol and LabProcess
#675 opened by marco-brandizi - 1
Proposal of new properties for ChemicalSubstance in order to create a new UseCase
#674 opened by gorbondiga - 5
- 2
description property "chemicalComposition" of "ChemicalSubstance" is misleading
#671 opened by hujo91 - 5
Bioschemas descriptions missing
#649 opened by ljgarcia - 2
Draft of DefinedTerm profile
#670 opened by NRayya - 1
New profile DefinedTermSet
#660 opened by sneumann - 3
PropertyValue for LabProtocol type properties
#667 opened by ljgarcia - 0
Add PropertyValue to properties in LabProtocol to make it compatible with the coming LabProcess
#666 opened by ljgarcia - 8
Best Practice: DefinedTerm from Ontologies
#652 opened by sneumann - 0
- 1
Fix description for sameAs
#650 opened by ljgarcia - 6
Add `includedInDataset` property to all profiles
#617 opened by ivanmicetic - 3
- 2
Issues with ComputationalWorkflow properties
#648 opened by ljgarcia - 5
Details about SemanticTextAnnotation
#640 opened by marco-brandizi - 1
- 7
Request to extend Expected Types for property `measurementTechnique` with Type `DefinedTerm`
#594 opened by meier-rene - 1
- 3
Update GitHub actions
#625 opened by ljgarcia - 1
Incorporation of other standards?
#633 opened by jjkoehorst - 4
- 0
Display optional requirements for profiles on website
#642 opened by gtsueng - 3
Some remarks on the GitHub Actions workflow
#627 opened by bedroesb - 0
- 1
Sample profile includes both @id and rdf:type
#590 opened by AlasdairGray - 2
BioSample referenced as type only in JSON-LD
#638 opened by thomasrosnet - 1
Incomplete Bioschemas profile URL (DDE)
#636 opened by thomasrosnet - 1
Not latest Bioschemas profile URL (DDE)
#637 opened by thomasrosnet - 1
GitHub action workflow link is dead
#634 opened by albangaignard - 2
Issue with ComputationalWorkflow inputs and outputs
#632 opened by albangaignard - 0
- 1
Actually Create the BioChemicalReaction profile
#601 opened by sneumann - 2
Update Dataset/DataCatalog profiles and tutorials
#619 opened by ljgarcia - 5
Edit jsonld version 0.6-DRAFT for Dataset
#624 opened by ljgarcia - 3
- 1
Add BioHackrXiv reports to publications page
#623 opened by AlasdairGray - 2
Broken links in profile pages
#626 opened by ljgarcia - 2
Deprecate Sample profile in favour of BioSample
#596 opened by AlasdairGray - 1
- 0
Revise profile release process
#622 opened by AlasdairGray - 0
Profile development diagram should show DDE
#621 opened by AlasdairGray - 1
MolecularEntity.molecularWeight example invalid
#592 opened by sneumann - 2
Redesign Profile Page
#620 opened by AlasdairGray - 1
units for biosample samplingAge
#589 opened by cmdoret - 1
Add FAIR-Checker to software page
#588 opened by AlasdairGray