
1D transformer for predicting protein structural features (secondary structure, solvent accessibility)

Primary LanguagePython

TransPross: 1D transformer for predicting protein secondary structure prediction

TransPross Architecture


1D transformer for predicting protein structural features (secondary structure)


git clone https://github.com/BioinfoMachineLearning/TransPro.git
cd TransPro
mkdir env
python3.6 -m venv env/ss_virenv
source env/ss_virenv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirments.txt

Training data

The training protein targets were extracted from the Protein Data Bank(PDB) before May 2019 with the the sequence identity < 90%. The sequence length range: [50, 500]

All the required data for training are provided as below and avaiable at DOI:

  • Protein sequences in fasta file (fasta.tar.gz)
  • Target id list for training
  • MSA in a3m file (a3m.tar.gz is too large, stored at /bml/TransPro/a3m.tar.gz)
  • True ss labels in 3 states (ss_3.tar.gz)
  • True 3D structures in pdb file (atom.tar.gz)
  • 5 trained TransPross models (model.tar.gz)

Testing data

All the testing data for evaluation are provided as below:

  • CASP test sets(CASP13, CASP14)


python MSA_transformer2_train.py --model_num 1 --N 6 --max_positions 1500  --BATCH_SIZE 5 --data_dir <train> --dataset <custom>

model_num: training list model
N: number of attention layers
max_positions: maximum number of sequences allowed in the input MSA
BATCH_SIZE: batch size
data_dir: folder path for storing data
dataset: training set name


Predicting with the single a3m file as the input:

python MSA_transformer2_predict_batch.py -i <a3m_file>
e.g. python MSA_transformer2_predict_batch.py -i T1026.a3m

Predicting multiple targets in one time:

python MSA_transformer2_predict_batch.py --data_dir <test> --dataset <casp13>

If you want to predict multiple targets, you can create a test.lst file under the path /data_dir/dataset/test.lst in the format: <target_id> length
e.g test/casp13/test.lst

data_dir: folder path for storing data
dataset: testing set name