
An attention-fused BiLSTM model used to predict TCR-peptide binding accuracy.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


AttnTAP: An attention-fused BiLSTM model used to predict TCR-peptide binding accuracy

In this study, we developed a dual-input deep learning framework combining bi-directional long short term memory (BiLSTM) and multi-layer perceptron (MLP), named AttnTAP, to extract TCR and peptide features separately and perform TCR-peptide binding prediction.


Project Organization

├── LICENSE                         <- Non-commercial license.
├── README.md                       <- The README for users using AttnTAP.
├── Codes                           <- Python scripts of AttnTAP. See README for their usages.
│   ├── AttnTAP_test.py             <- Making predictions using pre-trained AttnTAP models.
│   ├── AttnTAP_train.py            <- Training AttnTAP models.
│   ├── network.py                  <- The network of AttnTAP.
│   └── AttnTAP_data_clean.py       <- Processing raw data files.
├── Data                            <- Data used in AttnTAP.
│   ├── VDJdb
│   │   ├── VDJdb_test.csv  
│   │   ├── VDJdb_train.csv   
│   │   ├── VDJdb_raw.csv   
│   │   └── VDJdb_crossvalid_data   <- A set of experimental data for cross-validation.
│   │ 
│   ├── McPAS
│   │   ├── McPAS_test.csv  
│   │   ├── McPAS_train.csv   
│   │   ├── McPAS_raw.csv   
│   │   └── McPAS_crossvalid_data   <- A set of experimental data for cross-validation.
│   │  
│   └── example_raw_file.csv        <- Example of unprocessed raw data.
├── Figure                          <- Figure used in README.
│   └── AttnTAP.png 
├── Models                          <- Pre-trained AttnTAP models for users making predictions directly.               
│   ├── cv_model_0_mcpas_0.pth      <- The model obtained by taking mcpas_0.csv as the test set and other data as the training set in the cross-validation experiment.
│   └── cv_model_0_vdjdb_0.pth      <- The model obtained by taking vdjdb_0.csv as the test set and other data as the training set in the cross-validation experiment.
└── Results                         <- Some results of using AttnTAP.
    ├── example_data_clean.csv      <- The result file after processing `example_raw_file.csv`.
    ├── cv_0_mcpas_0.csv            <- Prediction results on mcpas_0.csv using the corresponding pre-trained model.
    └── cv_0_vdjdb_0.csv            <- Prediction results on vdjdb_0.csv using the corresponding pre-trained model.


Python package versions

AttnTAP works perfectly in the following versions of the Python packages:

Python          3.9.7
torch           1.11.0+cpu
pandas          1.3.4
numpy           1.20.3
scikit-learn    0.24.2
matplotlib      3.5.1
gensim          4.1.2

Making predictions using the pre-trained model

Users can use the pre-trained models we provided in ./Models/ to make predictions directly.

First, we need to collect the raw data files, such as ./Data/example_raw_file.csv, set the number of negative samples for each positive sample, such as --neg_samples=1, and use the Python script ./Codes/AttnTAP_data_clean.py to process them by this command:

python ./Codes/AttnTAP_data_clean.py --input_file=./Data/example_raw_file.csv --output_file=./Results/example_data_clean.csv --neg_samples=1

After processing, CDR3 sequences, antigen sequences, and labels, are saved in ./Results/example_data_clean.csv.

tcr             antigen	                label

Then, we use the Python script ./Codes/AttnTAP_test.py to make predictions and evaluate the performance of AttnTAP on the processed data files in ./Data/McPAS/McPAS_crossvalid_data/0/mcpas_0.csv using the pre-trained model ./Models/cv_model_0_mcpas_0.pth by this command:

python ./Codes/AttnTAP_test.py --input_file=./Data/McPAS/McPAS_crossvalid_data/0/mcpas_0.csv --output_file=./Results/cv_0_mcpas_0.csv --load_model_file=./Models/cv_model_0_mcpas_0.pth

The prediction results, including CDR3 sequences, antigen sequences, and probabilities of binding, are saved in ./Results/cv_0_mcpas_0.csv.

	tcr                 antigen                 prediction
1	CASSISSGSYNEQFF     VTEHDTLLY               0.5213805
2	CASSSRDIGFYEQYF     RAKFKQLL                0.17534448
3	CASSPSGRLNEQYF      LPRRSGAAGA              0.9469173
4	CASSPEGTGSYEQYF     RPHERNGFTVL             0.4462932
5	CASSPPGIGGYNEQFF    RPHERNGFTVL             0.32671145

Accuracy (ACC), area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC), recall (Recall), precision (Precision), F1 score (F1), are calculated and printed as:

-----test results-----
ACC:             0.779
AUC:             0.866
Recall:          0.818
Precision:       0.760
F1:              0.788
The work is done!

Training AttnTAP models

Users can use the Python script ./Codes/AttnTAP_train.py to train their own AttnTAP models on their TCR-antigen data samples for a better prediction performance. For example, users can use the processed data file in ./Data/McPAS/McPAS_train.csv to train the model and save the model in ./Models/McPAS_train.pth by this command:

python  ./Codes/AttnTAP_train.py --input_file=./Data/McPAS/McPAS_train.csv --save_model_file=./Models/McPAS_train.pth --valid_set=False --epoch=15 --learning_rate=0.005 --dropout_rate=0.1 --embedding_dim=10 --hidden_dim=50 --plot_train_curve=False --plot_roc_curve=False

The training results are calculated and printed as:

Epoch-1 Train loss 0.5603
Epoch-2 Train loss 0.5359
Epoch-3 Train loss 0.5159
Epoch-4 Train loss 0.4941
Epoch-5 Train loss 0.4732
Epoch-6 Train loss 0.452
Epoch-7 Train loss 0.4364
Epoch-8 Train loss 0.4252
Epoch-9 Train loss 0.4035
Epoch-10 Train loss 0.3859
Epoch-11 Train loss 0.3764
Epoch-12 Train loss 0.36
Epoch-13 Train loss 0.3436
Epoch-14 Train loss 0.3255
Epoch-15 Train loss 0.3151
-----train results-----
ACC:             0.875
AUC:             0.951
Recall:          0.885
Precision:       0.867
F1:              0.876
The work is done!


AttnTAP is actively maintained by Xinyang Qian & Fan Li, currently students at Xi'an Jiaotong University in the research group of Prof. Jiayin Wang. If you have any questions, please contact us by e-mail: qianxy@stu.xjtu.edu.cn / lifan0513@stu.xjtu.edu.cn.