
Open source, cross-platform, user-mode tablet driver

Primary LanguageC#GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

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OpenTabletDriver is an open source, cross platform, user mode tablet driver. The goal of OpenTabletDriver is to be cross platform as possible with the highest compatibility in an easily configurable graphical user interface.

Supported Tablets

All statuses of tablets that are supported, untested, and planned to be supported can be found here. Common issue workarounds can be found in the wiki for your platform.


Running OpenTabletDriver binaries

OpenTabletDriver functions as two separate processes that interact with each other seamlessly. The active program that does all of the tablet data handling is OpenTabletDriver.Daemon, while the GUI frontend is OpenTabletDriver.UX.*, where * depends on your platform1. The daemon must be started in order for anything to work, however the GUI is unnecessary. If you have existing settings, they should apply when the daemon starts.

1Windows uses Wpf, Linux uses Gtk, and MacOS uses MacOS respectively. This for the most part can be ignored if you don't build it from source as only the correct version will be provided.

Building OpenTabletDriver from source

The requirements to build OpenTabletDriver are consistent across all platforms. Running OpenTabletDriver on each platform requires different dependencies.

All platforms

  • .NET 5 SDK (can be obtained from here - You want the SDK for your platform, Linux users should install via package manager where possible, ensure package provides .NET 5)


No other dependencies.


Required packages (some packages may be pre-installed for your distribution)

  • libx11
  • libxrandr
  • libevdev2
  • GTK+3

To build on Linux, run the provided 'build.sh' file. This will run the same 'dotnet publish' commands used for building the AUR package, and will produce usable binaries in 'OpenTabletDriver/bin'.

To build on ARM linux, run the provided 'build.sh' file with the appropriate runtime provided as an argument. For arm64, this is 'linux-arm64'.

Note: If building for the first time, run the included generate-rules.sh script. This will generate a set of udev rules in OpenTabletDriver/bin, called '99-opentabletdriver.rules'. This file should then be moved to /etc/udev/rules.d/:

sudo mv ./bin/99-opentabletdriver.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/

MacOS [Experimental]

No other dependencies.


  • Fully platform-native GUI
    • Windows: Windows Presentation Foundation
    • Linux: GTK+3
    • MacOS: MonoMac
  • Fully fledged console tool
    • Quickly acquire, change, load, or save settings
    • Scripting support (json output)
  • Absolute cursor positioning
    • Screen area and tablet area
    • Center-anchored offsets
    • Precise area rotation
  • Relative cursor positioning
    • px/mm horizontal and vertical sensitivity
  • Pen bindings
    • Tip by pressure bindings
    • Express key bindings
    • Pen button bindings
    • Mouse button bindings
    • Keyboard bindings
    • External plugin bindings
  • Saving and loading settings
    • Auto-loads user settings via settings.json in the active user %localappdata% or .config settings root directory.
  • Configuration Editor
    • Allows you to create, modify, and delete configurations.
    • Generate configurations from visible HID devices
  • Plugins
    • Filters
    • Output modes
    • Tools

Contributing to OpenTabletDriver

If you wish to contribute to OpenTabletDriver, check out the issue tracker.

If you have any issues or suggestions, open an issue ticket.