Here are some loose guidlines meant to give you an idea of what information we expect to find in each repository. Feel free to present your documentation in the most accessible/suitable order and style but you must include project data relating to the headings below, if relevant to your project. Also, include your final proposal in the top directory.

A very good example

Consider using GitHub for desktop, the user interface and experience is so much better than the web version of Github, in my opinion.

Lastly, follow these instructions if you want to style your github repository into a webpage like so.


A summary of your project. This is the 150 word description from your proposal. Include your project banner and photos of team members.


Explain functionality of software components (if any) as concisely as possible, developers should be able to figure out how your project solves their problem by looking at the code example. Ideally, this should be pseudo code or an abstract graphical representation of your code e.g entity relationship diagram. Consider adding a screenshot of your User Interface.


Explain how the hardware components (if any) of your project function as concisely as possible, including a short description of fabrication and assembly. Component suppliers and part numbers should be provided separately in a bill of materials, in a 'Hardware Folder'.

Installation, Maintenance and Testing Guide

Provide instructions on usage, describe a test scheme and show how to run the tests with code and hardware configuration examples with some representative results.


A short snippet describing the license (MIT, Apache, etc.) you have chosen to use