
Receive XML data from the Biomodd Windowfarm

Primary LanguageJava


Receive XML data from the Biomodd Windowfarm

Processing app to download the XML data from: https://cosm.com/feeds/83640

To Use:

  1. Copy examples to your Processing directory

  2. Copy 'cosm' folder in libraries to your Processing libraries directory

  3. Current variables include:

    moistureVal -> // moisture value

    lightValue -> // temperature

    temperatureValue -> // temperature (near front window)

  4. Data is uploaded from the Windowfarm once every minute.



  • returns recent moisture, light, temp readings


  • returns recent moisture, light, temp readings with additional feed data


  • returns all data from the feed including: elevation, lat, long

there are additional examples in the libraries/cosm/examples folder